Does .End(xlToLeft) only finds in unhidden cells?
I have the following code which finds a date, hides all other dates, and shows only the date it found. The code worked fine the first time it ran (none of the dates is hidden). After that, it could only find dates after the first date it found. For example, if the first time it found July 11th, 2011. The second time and after, the code can only find dates before July 11th.
I believe this is because after the first found, only July 11th was shown. The second time around, the range was set to July 11th and not after.
I guess I can hard code the range to range([A2],[ABZ2]) but is there a way to use .End(xlToLeft) and still make the code work? Thanks.
Set rng2 = ActiveSheet.Range([A2], [ABZ2].End(xlToLeft))
Set r = rng2.Find(edate, LookIn:=xlFormulas)
If Not r Is Nothing Then
MsgBox (edate & " found")
Range([e3], [ABZ3].End(xlToLeft)).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
Range(Cells(3, r.Column()), Cells(3, r.Column() + 3)).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
MsgBox (edate & " not found")
End If
I have the following code which finds a date, hides all other dates, and shows only the date it found. The code worked fine the first time it ran (none of the dates is hidden). After that, it could only find dates after the first date it found. For example, if the first time it found July 11th, 2011. The second time and after, the code can only find dates before July 11th.
I believe this is because after the first found, only July 11th was shown. The second time around, the range was set to July 11th and not after.
I guess I can hard code the range to range([A2],[ABZ2]) but is there a way to use .End(xlToLeft) and still make the code work? Thanks.
Set rng2 = ActiveSheet.Range([A2], [ABZ2].End(xlToLeft))
Set r = rng2.Find(edate, LookIn:=xlFormulas)
If Not r Is Nothing Then
MsgBox (edate & " found")
Range([e3], [ABZ3].End(xlToLeft)).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
Range(Cells(3, r.Column()), Cells(3, r.Column() + 3)).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
MsgBox (edate & " not found")
End If