Enforce Data Validation Between Subforms


New Member
Mar 18, 2011

I am trying to make a form with multiple subforms be able to detect if the value in one textbox in one subform is equal to the value of another textbox in another subform. If they are not equal, then an error message is displayed when the button is clicked.

Would it be like

If [Forms]![MainForm]![Subform1].[Form]![Textbox1] <> [Forms]![MainForm]![Subform2].[Form]![Textbox2] Then
Msgbox "Values do not equal"

When I ran the code, the msgbox always popped up even when the values in both text boxes were equal. What am I doing wrong?

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If A2:A50000 contain data. Enter a formula in B2. Select B2. Double-click the Fill Handle and Excel will shoot the formula down to B50000.
are you re-querying the controls after data is updated in them?

Try to debug what the controls are seeing by using a message box, stepping through the code line by line and check each reference to the controls in the Immediate or Watch windows..

in case you don't know.... open the code window and set a break point by clicking on the screen to the right of the code window at the line where you first encounter the reference to the controls.... then run code from form ( or press F5 in code window with cursor in sub)... code should break with yellow line... now Press F8 until the yellow line passes over the control references....

Next click in immediate window and type...


then again with...


this should display the results of those controls, then you will see where the problem is.

watch out for spaces because perhaps one control has data with spaces, so you may want to surround the expressions with a TRIM function.
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