I have the following codes that would do copy and paste between one worksheet and another sheet in the same workbook. However, the problem I am having is catching the error. The error handler seems to work only once. Is there a way to reset it or perhaps I have done it the wrong way.
What this code does is to go through each of the worksheets and in each of the sheets, do the loop in search of a particular value in column J. The reason I need to apply the error handler here is in some of the sheets, there are #N/A value. So I need to be able to skip that and continue to loop through down the column.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
I have the following codes that would do copy and paste between one worksheet and another sheet in the same workbook. However, the problem I am having is catching the error. The error handler seems to work only once. Is there a way to reset it or perhaps I have done it the wrong way.
For counter = 1 To WorkSheets.Count
MyCol = 1
MyRowIndex = 1
'On Error GoTo Errhandler
Do While Worksheets(counter).Range("A" & MyRowIndex) <> ""
On Error GoTo Errhandler
'On Error Resume Next
If Worksheets(counter).Range("J" & MyRowIndex) = "Cap" Then
Worksheets(counter).Range("J" & MyRowIndex).EntireRow.Copy
Range("A" & MyCol).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("O" & MyCol) = Worksheets(counter).Name
MyCol = MyCol + 1
End If
MyRowIndex = MyRowIndex + 1
If Err.Number = 13 Then
GoTo sdfs
'Resume Next
End If
Next i
What this code does is to go through each of the worksheets and in each of the sheets, do the loop in search of a particular value in column J. The reason I need to apply the error handler here is in some of the sheets, there are #N/A value. So I need to be able to skip that and continue to loop through down the column.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you