On Excel 2007, if you create a conditional statement on a cell, and drag that cell across to other cells, the other cells also have the same conditional format behavior, even though the conditional format rule for those cells seem weird. I'll explain what I mean.
A1 has the conditional format that if true, changes the cell fill to yellow:
So, the cell is yellow if the text in the cell saids "No".
If I drag A1 corners to B1, I get the same behavior. B1 is yellow if I type no in B1. A1 retains it's own operation, and the two cells behave independently as far as cell coloring. HOWEVER, if I edit the conditional format in B1, I don't see what I expect to see. The conditional format for B1 should be
Instead I see that B1's conditional format is
Additionally, the conditional format dialogue for A1 and B1 are the same, it saids this for both cells:
Going into the edit dialogue for B1 doesn't fix the issue; B1 displays A1's address in the edit rule dialogue.
Weird. But, the behavior of B1 is correct; B1 uses B1's text cell to color B1, even though the edit rule dialogue suggests that it is using A1.
Even more weird, if I edit B1's conditional format rule, by changing the "A1=" to a "B1=", it changes A1's Conditional Format to look at B1's cell content, and A1's Conditional Format rule changes cell reference to B1. AND, B1's conditional format is operationally broken. Typing in No in B1 doesn't change B1's color, or any other color.
Ok, the reason I'm bringing this up is when use Excel 2007 to open an Excel 2003 file with that has lots of conditional formats, I encounter weird stuff. Excel 2007 takes all those conditional formats and tries to group them, so that conditional formats that are smilar (ie XX="No", yellow fill color) gets group together. The behavior of the cells in 2007 is the same as in 2003, but I lose the ability to change individual conditional format rules, because of the weird way Excel 2007 groups these similar CF rules together.
I'm not sure what wording to express this grouping of conditional formats. Is there a way to open a 2003 excel file with Excel 2007 and tell it not to associate similar rules together? I think the "applies to" field is the problem. I think it's this feature that is causing 2007 to group similar CF rules together; it's trying to figure out what cells have similar rules.
On Excel 2007, if you create a conditional statement on a cell, and drag that cell across to other cells, the other cells also have the same conditional format behavior, even though the conditional format rule for those cells seem weird. I'll explain what I mean.
A1 has the conditional format that if true, changes the cell fill to yellow:
So, the cell is yellow if the text in the cell saids "No".
If I drag A1 corners to B1, I get the same behavior. B1 is yellow if I type no in B1. A1 retains it's own operation, and the two cells behave independently as far as cell coloring. HOWEVER, if I edit the conditional format in B1, I don't see what I expect to see. The conditional format for B1 should be
Instead I see that B1's conditional format is
Additionally, the conditional format dialogue for A1 and B1 are the same, it saids this for both cells:
Formula: =A1="No" Applies to: =$A$1:$B:$1
Going into the edit dialogue for B1 doesn't fix the issue; B1 displays A1's address in the edit rule dialogue.
Weird. But, the behavior of B1 is correct; B1 uses B1's text cell to color B1, even though the edit rule dialogue suggests that it is using A1.
Even more weird, if I edit B1's conditional format rule, by changing the "A1=" to a "B1=", it changes A1's Conditional Format to look at B1's cell content, and A1's Conditional Format rule changes cell reference to B1. AND, B1's conditional format is operationally broken. Typing in No in B1 doesn't change B1's color, or any other color.
Ok, the reason I'm bringing this up is when use Excel 2007 to open an Excel 2003 file with that has lots of conditional formats, I encounter weird stuff. Excel 2007 takes all those conditional formats and tries to group them, so that conditional formats that are smilar (ie XX="No", yellow fill color) gets group together. The behavior of the cells in 2007 is the same as in 2003, but I lose the ability to change individual conditional format rules, because of the weird way Excel 2007 groups these similar CF rules together.
I'm not sure what wording to express this grouping of conditional formats. Is there a way to open a 2003 excel file with Excel 2007 and tell it not to associate similar rules together? I think the "applies to" field is the problem. I think it's this feature that is causing 2007 to group similar CF rules together; it's trying to figure out what cells have similar rules.
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