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- Sep 4, 2014
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Hey guys,
i need ur help in order to solve a problem with my code.
The goal is, starting from a compiled table in excel, to scan a single column and find, for each cell value, a match in the documents contained in a specific folder.
The code i wrote works but i have encountered many problems with the performance of the execution.
Briefly the code:
Now about the numbers: i have to search around 8-10 thousand values in about 800-1.000 word files.
The execution time, in seconds, is around values * documents / 12, for the specific case we're talking of 4 days of runtime, lol
Any suggestion about what to use (structures, search methods, etc..) to improve timewise?
Here the code:
i need ur help in order to solve a problem with my code.
The goal is, starting from a compiled table in excel, to scan a single column and find, for each cell value, a match in the documents contained in a specific folder.
The code i wrote works but i have encountered many problems with the performance of the execution.
Briefly the code:
- Read the entire 3rd column and populate a collection
- When the excel reading is done it pass to the file management opening each one and searching it for each keyword previously stored in the collection
- When done with files search the control pass again to the excel in order to update an adiacent column with the search results
Now about the numbers: i have to search around 8-10 thousand values in about 800-1.000 word files.
The execution time, in seconds, is around values * documents / 12, for the specific case we're talking of 4 days of runtime, lol
Any suggestion about what to use (structures, search methods, etc..) to improve timewise?
Here the code:
Function test()
Dim elencoPartizioni As New Collection
Dim tempPartizione As CPartizione
Dim oWordDoc, oWordApp, rngStory As Object
Dim searchPattern, fileExtensionPattern, sourceFolder, filePath, sFileName, searchResults As String
Dim idRow As Long
Dim startTime, endTime As Date
sourceFolder = "C:\Users\itals007\Desktop\note\"
fileExtensionPattern = "*.doc?"
filePath = Dir$(sourceFolder & fileExtensionPattern)
Set oWordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
oWordApp.Visible = False
startTime = Now
idRow = 8
While Cells(idRow, 3).value <> ""
Set tempPartizione = New CPartizione
tempPartizione.nomePartizione = LCase(Cells(idRow, 3).value)
On Error Resume Next
elencoPartizioni.Add tempPartizione, tempPartizione.nomePartizione
idRow = idRow + 1
While filePath <> ""
On Error GoTo errorHandling
sFileName = sourceFolder & filePath
Set oWordDoc = oWordApp.Documents.Open(sFileName)
Dim iPartizione As CPartizione
For Each iPartizione In elencoPartizioni
If LCase(Left(oWordDoc.Name, InStrRev(oWordDoc.Name, ".") - 1)) = LCase(iPartizione.nomePartizione) Then
iPartizione.presenzaNotaOperativa = "Presenti"
iPartizione.elencoMatchNoteOperative.Add oWordDoc.Name
End If
For Each rngStory In oWordDoc.StoryRanges
With rngStory.Find
.Text = iPartizione.nomePartizione
.Wrap = 1
If .found And iPartizione.presenzaNotaOperativa <> "Presenti" Then
iPartizione.elencoMatchNoteOperative.Add oWordDoc.Name
iPartizione.presenzaNotaOperativa = "Parziali"
Exit For
End If
End With
filePath = Dir$()
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Errore", vbCritical
End If
Set oWordDoc = Nothing
Set oWordApp = Nothing
idRow = 8
While Cells(idRow, 3).value <> ""
Cells(idRow, 2).ClearComments
If elencoPartizioni.Item(LCase(Cells(idRow, 3).value)).presenzaNotaOperativa = "" Then
Cells(idRow, 2).value = "Non presenti"
Cells(idRow, 2).value = elencoPartizioni.Item(LCase(Cells(idRow, 3).value)).presenzaNotaOperativa
Cells(idRow, 2).AddComment elencoPartizioni.Item(LCase(Cells(idRow, 3).value)).elencoMatchNote
Cells(idRow, 2).Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
End If
idRow = idRow + 1
endTime = Now
MsgBox "Esecuzione in " & DateDiff("s", startTime, endTime) & " s"
End Function