Excel lists mysteriously disappear


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
Hi, guys!

I made an excel file and I created some predefined lists usind Data>Validation>List and a named range. I made a list (Ctrl+L) containing the named range so it will automatically extend each time the user enters a value in the list.

The method was working perfectly BUT after 2 months of using this file, a guy tells me "the blue rectangles" has disappeared. My question is: How could they do that? There were more than 20 lists in that file and now there is no one left... and the guy sais "I didn't do anything". I'm a little bit confused so, if you have any idea... please help :)

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Do you mean that the dynamic range name you created has been deleted? Do you mean the contents of the dynamic range have been deleted? Was the sheet containing the lists protected? With a password?

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If you click in one of the list ranges, does the "blue rectangle" re-appear?

If so, then go to Data|List and select Hide Border of Inactive Lists.
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Thank you for the prompt replies, guys!
Dufus, the named range is still there, only the list has disappered.
NBVC, thank you, but it's not that, i've checke it... I mean the list is not there, like it has never been created, I don't mean the borders :(
Do you have any other ideas?
Thank you again!
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Perhaps it was saved in a lower version of Excel and then re-saved to 2003?

not sure, but looks like you might have to re-list each range via the Ctrl-L or Data|List|Create List.
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Nope... every computer in this company has Excel 2003 and... Yup... this looks like I will have to re-list them again but, still, I'm not sure what could have caused this problem and if it can happen again.
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Someone must have deleted the contents of the List if you're trying to say the contents of the List are gone. Are the headers missing too? I'm still unclear on whether the definition of the Data List remains and if the sheet was protected in any way. By the way, a Data List will automatically expand without creating a dynamic range. So, I'm curious why you created a dynamic range name and assigned it to the Data List?

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Hello again Dufus,

I am trying to say that the contents of the lists are there. The named ranges are there, too. Only the Data List definition is missing. So, basically, I now have a the named ranges and the values inside these ranges.
Unfortunatelly the sheet had no protection.
I mixed the Data List and the named range because I needed the named range to expand automatically. I was using those ranges to create validation lists for other cells.

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Thanks for clearing that up for me. I'm using XL2K at home so I can't test it right now but, I thought when I was playing with this earlier that I did something simple like Data Validation it undid the List. I'm guessing it's possible to undo a List pretty easily. As for recreating them, maybe a macro would be advisable. You could even trigger it on open of the workbook just to be sure all your lists are correct before the user begins.

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