Hello...im stumped...
I have an Excel file that has multiple tabs. Each tab has a link to an Access Database where each Excel Tab is a different Query or table for data. On each of these pages, I have Fomulas to sumarize the data. Example
On one tab...CELLS A1:G11 have data
DEPT 11 2 4 13 43 100
Beginig in Column M, I have a bunch of forumlas that SUM data for me based on conditions:
Example of a formula:
My Issue is, if i update the data in the Access Database...to where my TABLE grows or SHRINKs.....all my formulas stop working. I get #N/A values.
If I manuall drag the table size back out to the original length...it works....
but i need these formulas to be dynamic as the data in the database grows or shrinks.
Any Ideas????
I have an Excel file that has multiple tabs. Each tab has a link to an Access Database where each Excel Tab is a different Query or table for data. On each of these pages, I have Fomulas to sumarize the data. Example
On one tab...CELLS A1:G11 have data
DEPT 11 2 4 13 43 100
Beginig in Column M, I have a bunch of forumlas that SUM data for me based on conditions:
Example of a formula:
My Issue is, if i update the data in the Access Database...to where my TABLE grows or SHRINKs.....all my formulas stop working. I get #N/A values.
If I manuall drag the table size back out to the original length...it works....
but i need these formulas to be dynamic as the data in the database grows or shrinks.
Any Ideas????