excel vba change cell color based on tabs color


Active Member
Mar 6, 2015
Office Version
  1. 2019
Hello All,

assuming i have 20 data in range A2:A21 at sheet 1 and they are same as the tabs name
i need a vba to return same color index (3, 5 and 6) in column A if tabs color was changed

example: when tabs name(220408120732319399) was changed to colorindex 5, i want cell A9(220408120732319399) change to colorindex 5 as well

thank you very much
Hi mumps
thank you very much for your reply

i have uploaded and sincerely thank you for your help
Hi mumps
thank you very much for your reply
i use this book1.xlsm BUT i found, these sheets should be under same color which is not same as yours. :eek::eek:
example: 220408120732319399, 220408120742883325, 220408120748876347, 220408120748233625, 220408120757583658
ps. i use excel 2010

This is what I get using the file you uploaded:
1Order ID#StoreOrder Time
2220408120748876347LIMITED2022-04-08 12:07:48
3220408120831247369LIMITED2022-04-08 12:08:31
4220408120846858130LIMITED2022-04-08 12:08:46
5220408121233898363LIMITED2022-04-08 12:12:33
6220408121734463603LIMITED2022-04-08 12:17:34
7220408121806702374LIMITED2022-04-08 12:18:06
8220408121814839240LIMITED2022-04-08 12:18:14
9220408121836385762LIMITED2022-04-08 12:18:36
10220408121931737641LIMITED2022-04-08 12:19:31
11220408121935236363LIMITED2022-04-08 12:19:35
12220408121941224563LIMITED2022-04-08 12:19:41
13220408122549172212LIMITED2022-04-08 12:25:49
14220408132755906161LIMITED2022-04-08 13:27:55
15220408120732319399LIMITED2022-04-08 12:07:32
16220408120732997586LIMITED2022-04-08 12:07:32
17220408120742883325LIMITED2022-04-08 12:07:42
18220408120748233625LIMITED2022-04-08 12:07:48
19220408120757583658LIMITED2022-04-08 12:07:57
20220408132726693238LIMITED2022-04-08 13:27:26
21220408014059601495NORMAL2022-04-08 01:40:59
22220408082500623556NORMAL2022-04-08 08:25:00
23220408094403852836NORMAL2022-04-08 09:44:03
24220408104323972983NORMAL2022-04-08 10:43:23
25220408105352392249NORMAL2022-04-08 10:53:52
26220408110203623574NORMAL2022-04-08 11:02:03
27220408110255197474LIMITED2022-04-08 11:02:55
28220408110255571326LIMITED2022-04-08 11:02:55
29220408110314288956LIMITED2022-04-08 11:03:14
30220408110324446526LIMITED2022-04-08 11:03:24
31220408110333240110LIMITED2022-04-08 11:03:33
32220408110338272581LIMITED2022-04-08 11:03:38
33220408110344507460LIMITED2022-04-08 11:03:44
34220408110355347470LIMITED2022-04-08 11:03:55
35220408110356525928LIMITED2022-04-08 11:03:56
36220408110403648543LIMITED2022-04-08 11:04:03
37220408110415585878LIMITED2022-04-08 11:04:15
38220408110419433895LIMITED2022-04-08 11:04:19
39220408110421921584LIMITED2022-04-08 11:04:21
40220408110435129990LIMITED2022-04-08 11:04:35
41220408110440149740LIMITED2022-04-08 11:04:40
42220408110443682411LIMITED2022-04-08 11:04:43
43220408110446744362LIMITED2022-04-08 11:04:46
44220408110459919369LIMITED2022-04-08 11:04:59
45220408110501416297LIMITED2022-04-08 11:05:00
46220408110503372426LIMITED2022-04-08 11:05:03

Are you using the macro in a different workbook?
Upvote 0

Excel Facts

Why does 9 mean SUM in SUBTOTAL?
It is because Sum is the 9th alphabetically in Average, Count, CountA, Max, Min, Product, StDev.S, StDev.P, Sum, VAR.S, VAR.P.
Don't worry about the colors because I colored some of the tabs at random to test the macro so they will be different from your workbook. Is the result you are getting the one you want for your workbook?
Upvote 0
Don't worry about the colors because I colored some of the tabs at random to test the macro so they will be different from your workbook. Is the result you are getting the one you want for your workbook?
Hi mumps
thank you very much for your reply

unfortunately no,
i use book1.xlsm run and i get below result again
ps1. i use your revised code at post #28, i will try in another computer and excel version(maybe 2016) see any different today
ps2. i start a new workbook with some order SN, random colored as you, change the sheet name as "summary", run the code, all go black

Order ID#
Upvote 0
The result you showed is exactly what you asked for: white on top, then colored and black at the bottom.
Upvote 0
The result you showed is exactly what you asked for: white on top, then colored and black at the bottom.
Hi mumps
thank you very much for your reply

i tried another computer with excel 2016 at office today, same result returned
however, can i sort other colored together too then?
Upvote 0
The macro is designed to place white cells on top, next all colored cells and then black cells at the bottom.
Upvote 0
The macro is designed to place white cells on top, next all colored cells and then black cells at the bottom.
Hi mumps
thank you very much for your reply

which means i need another macro?
can i do this way?

Order ID#

thank you very much?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️
Upvote 0
VBA Code:
Sub ColorCells2()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim v As Variant, desWS As Worksheet, i As Long, lRow As Long, dic As Object, k As Variant
    Set desWS = Sheets("SUMMARY")
    With desWS
        lRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
        v = .Range("A2:A" & lRow).Value
        For i = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
            If Evaluate("isref('" & CStr(v(i, 1)) & "'!A1)") Then
                If Sheets(CStr(v(i, 1))).Tab.Color <> 0 Then
                    .Range("A" & i + 1).Interior.Color = Sheets(CStr(v(i, 1))).Tab.Color
                End If
                .Range("A" & i + 1).Interior.Color = vbBlack
            End If
        Next i
    End With
    Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    For i = 1 To Sheets.count
        If Sheets(i).Name <> "PERSONALIZATION" And Sheets(i).Name <> "SUMMARY" Then
            If Sheets(i).Tab.Color <> False Then
                If Not dic.exists(Sheets(i).Tab.Color) Then
                    dic.Add Sheets(i).Tab.Color, Nothing
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    For Each k In dic.keys
        With Sheets("SUMMARY").Sort
            .SortFields.Add Key:=Range("A2:A888"), SortOn:=xlSortOnCellColor, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
            .SortFields.Add(Range("A2:A888"), xlSortOnCellColor, xlDescending, , xlSortNormal).SortOnValue.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
            .SortFields.Add(Range("A2:A888"), xlSortOnCellColor, xlDescending, , xlSortNormal).SortOnValue.Color = k
            .SetRange Range("A1:Y888")
            .Header = xlYes
            .MatchCase = False
            .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
            .SortMethod = xlPinYin
        End With
    Next k
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Upvote 0
VBA Code:
Sub ColorCells2()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim v As Variant, desWS As Worksheet, i As Long, lRow As Long, dic As Object, k As Variant
    Set desWS = Sheets("SUMMARY")
    With desWS
        lRow = .Range("A" & .Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
        v = .Range("A2:A" & lRow).Value
        For i = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
            If Evaluate("isref('" & CStr(v(i, 1)) & "'!A1)") Then
                If Sheets(CStr(v(i, 1))).Tab.Color <> 0 Then
                    .Range("A" & i + 1).Interior.Color = Sheets(CStr(v(i, 1))).Tab.Color
                End If
                .Range("A" & i + 1).Interior.Color = vbBlack
            End If
        Next i
    End With
    Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    For i = 1 To Sheets.count
        If Sheets(i).Name <> "PERSONALIZATION" And Sheets(i).Name <> "SUMMARY" Then
            If Sheets(i).Tab.Color <> False Then
                If Not dic.exists(Sheets(i).Tab.Color) Then
                    dic.Add Sheets(i).Tab.Color, Nothing
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    For Each k In dic.keys
        With Sheets("SUMMARY").Sort
            .SortFields.Add Key:=Range("A2:A888"), SortOn:=xlSortOnCellColor, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
            .SortFields.Add(Range("A2:A888"), xlSortOnCellColor, xlDescending, , xlSortNormal).SortOnValue.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
            .SortFields.Add(Range("A2:A888"), xlSortOnCellColor, xlDescending, , xlSortNormal).SortOnValue.Color = k
            .SetRange Range("A1:Y888")
            .Header = xlYes
            .MatchCase = False
            .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
            .SortMethod = xlPinYin
        End With
    Next k
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Hi mumps
thank you very much for your reply

this is amazing and just doing what i want exactly
thank you very much for the great work

is this range(A2:A888) can be set to the last row of column A?
this seems "separated" one row because of the data at last row of column M:R, example on row 36

ORDER 1.1.xlsm
1Order ID#StoreOrder TimeStatusCurrent Status Change DateLast Update TimeMA#E-mailMobile#Pickup LocationPOS Ref IDRemarksMA TypeQuantityTotalDelivery FeeDiscount TotalNet Amount
2220417011020372699NORMAL2022-04-17 01:10:20ORDER2022-04-17 01:14:442022-04-17 01:14:4451,206.000.00120.601,085.40
3220417014655948732NORMAL2022-04-17 01:46:55ORDER2022-04-17 01:48:402022-04-17 01:48:401109.000.000.00109.00
4220417025725708603NORMAL2022-04-17 02:57:25ORDER2022-04-17 02:59:052022-04-17 02:59:0561,105.000.00207.10897.90
5220417091829108504NORMAL2022-04-17 09:18:29ORDER2022-04-17 09:18:512022-04-17 09:18:511119.000.0023.8095.20
6220417094530106908LIMITED2022-04-17 09:45:30ORDER2022-04-17 09:48:002022-04-17 09:48:006914.000.00182.80731.20
7220417100210211855NORMAL2022-04-17 10:02:10ORDER2022-04-17 10:03:442022-04-17 10:03:442398.000.0079.60318.40
8220417104315559393NORMAL2022-04-17 10:43:15ORDER2022-04-17 10:45:112022-04-17 10:45:111179.000.0017.90161.10
9220417113642821719NORMAL2022-04-17 11:36:42ORDER2022-04-17 11:40:212022-04-17 11:40:213405.0050.000.00405.00
10220417115501183122LIMITED2022-04-17 11:55:01ORDER2022-04-17 11:55:352022-04-17 11:55:351159.000.0031.80127.20
11220417120217484623NORMAL2022-04-17 12:02:17ORDER2022-04-17 12:03:242022-04-17 12:03:242218.000.0043.60174.40
12220417140329172855LIMITED2022-04-17 14:03:29ORDER2022-04-17 14:04:542022-04-17 14:04:545995.000.00199.00796.00
13220417144503535884NORMAL2022-04-17 14:45:03ORDER2022-04-17 14:46:402022-04-17 14:46:401799.000.0079.90719.10
14220417145617731763LIMITED2022-04-17 14:56:17ORDER2022-04-17 14:57:062022-04-17 14:57:061179.0050.000.00179.00
15220417150449485318NORMAL2022-04-17 15:04:49ORDER2022-04-17 15:05:332022-04-17 15:05:331119.000.0023.8095.20
16220417161105433274NORMAL2022-04-17 16:11:05ORDER2022-04-17 16:11:492022-04-17 16:11:492468.0050.000.00468.00
17220417162240821600NORMAL2022-04-17 16:22:40ORDER2022-04-17 16:23:272022-04-17 16:23:271599.000.00119.80479.20
18220417164648222747NORMAL2022-04-17 16:46:48ORDER2022-04-17 16:47:532022-04-17 16:47:5381,163.000.00116.301,046.70
19220417165712153277NORMAL2022-04-17 16:57:12ORDER2022-04-17 16:59:022022-04-17 16:59:021399.0050.000.00399.00
20220417172658997981NORMAL2022-04-17 17:26:58ORDER2022-04-17 17:27:542022-04-17 17:27:541799.000.00159.80639.20
21220417185939399859LIMITED2022-04-17 18:59:39ORDER2022-04-17 19:00:312022-04-17 19:00:315995.000.000.00995.00
22220417190209256234LIMITED2022-04-17 19:02:09ORDER2022-04-17 19:02:592022-04-17 19:02:595995.000.000.00995.00
23220417193640277926NORMAL2022-04-17 19:36:40ORDER2022-04-17 19:38:582022-04-17 19:38:582428.000.0042.80385.20
24220417194937142518LIMITED2022-04-17 19:49:37ORDER2022-04-17 19:50:382022-04-17 19:50:381129.000.0025.80103.20
25220417203309963832NORMAL2022-04-17 20:33:09ORDER2022-04-17 20:35:002022-04-17 20:35:0131,198.000.00239.60958.40
26220417210420667277NORMAL2022-04-17 21:04:20ORDER2022-04-17 21:06:182022-04-17 21:06:184956.000.000.00956.00
27220417211112364165NORMAL2022-04-17 21:11:12ORDER2022-04-17 21:14:322022-04-17 21:14:3251,056.000.00189.40866.60
28220417211442564912NORMAL2022-04-17 21:14:42ORDER2022-04-17 21:16:012022-04-17 21:16:01101,207.000.00241.40965.60
29220417220545506563NORMAL2022-04-17 22:05:45ORDER2022-04-17 22:06:462022-04-17 22:06:4661,645.000.00329.001,316.00
30220417223652193950NORMAL2022-04-17 22:36:52ORDER2022-04-17 22:37:452022-04-17 22:37:451179.0050.000.00179.00
31220417225312335497NORMAL2022-04-17 22:53:12ORDER2022-04-17 22:54:252022-04-17 22:54:251179.0050.000.00179.00
32220417233343440715LIMITED2022-04-17 23:33:43ORDER2022-04-17 23:34:572022-04-17 23:34:57305,020.000.001,004.004,016.00
33220417233754752407LIMITED2022-04-17 23:37:54ORDER2022-04-17 23:39:242022-04-17 23:39:24254,025.000.00805.003,220.00
34220417233757262994NORMAL2022-04-17 23:37:57ORDER2022-04-17 23:39:512022-04-17 23:39:5181,003.000.00200.60802.40
35220417234808101740LIMITED2022-04-17 23:48:08ORDER2022-04-17 23:49:192022-04-17 23:49:19305,020.000.001,004.004,016.00
37220417011901704829NORMAL2022-04-17 01:19:01ORDER2022-04-17 01:20:532022-04-17 01:20:534826.000.000.00826.00
38220417012353724955NORMAL2022-04-17 01:23:53ORDER2022-04-17 01:26:312022-04-17 01:26:31151,926.000.00182.801,743.20
39220417183001134884NORMAL2022-04-17 18:30:01ORDER2022-04-17 18:31:272022-04-17 18:31:277713.0050.00122.80590.20
40220417215249245486NORMAL2022-04-17 21:52:49ORDER2022-04-17 21:57:052022-04-17 21:57:051309.0050.000.00309.00
41220417232459807783NORMAL2022-04-17 23:24:59ORDER2022-04-17 23:26:362022-04-17 23:26:3691,062.000.00106.20955.80
Upvote 0
just in case, this is the original data i have before i run the code
M41:R41 as this example

Order-Report (8).xlsx
1Order ID#StoreOrder TimeStatusCurrent Status Change DateLast Update TimeMA#E-mailMobile#Pickup LocationPOS Ref IDRemarksMA TypeQuantityTotalDelivery FeeDiscount TotalNet AmountDelivery First NameDelivery Last NameDelivery MobileDelivery Address 1Delivery Address 2RegionDistrict
39220417233757262994NORMAL2022-04-17 23:37:57ORDER2022-04-17 23:39:512022-04-17 23:39:51PLATINUM81,003.000.00200.60802.40
40220417234808101740LIMITED2022-04-17 23:48:08ORDER2022-04-17 23:49:192022-04-17 23:49:19PLATINUM305,020.000.001,004.004,016.00
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