exclude range from range


Well-known Member
Apr 21, 2005

At the following code how may i exclude the activecell's range from range?

I want each time an entry is made to look for dubs (at worksheet change event), so i do not want to look for activecell's value too.

Thank you

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Hi Kostas

Assuming the active cell in in column A

I don't think you need to exclude the active cell from the range, you can use the parameter After and force the Find to start after the active cell. This way you just have to check the address returned. If it's the address of the active cell it means it's the only cell in the range with that value.
If Columns(1).Find(ActiveCell.Value, after:=ActiveCell, lookat:=xlWhole).Address _ 
                            = ActiveCell.Address Then
   ' not duplicate
   ' duplicate
End If
Anyway can you not just use data validation?

Hope this helps

EDIT: replaced can by need to
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It's working like:
Set w = Range("a:a").Find(activecell.offset(-1,0).Value, lookat:=xlWhole)
If Not w Is Nothing And Not w.Address = ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Address Then
    If MsgBox("Code already exist. Dublicate entry?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "Dublicated entry found") = vbNo Then activecell.offset(-1,0).Value = "": ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Activate: Exit Sub
End If
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