Extract tect from cell


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2010
Office Version
  1. 2016
  1. Windows
Is there a way I can extract the word(s) after a specific word from a cell?

The contents of the cell are on numerous lines, so I would need something that searched the cell, finds the phrase 'INDEX:' and then grabs the word(s) after that, but on the same line only, and puts it/them into cell G4.


Excel Facts

Shade all formula cells
To shade all formula cells: Home, Find & Select, Formulas to select all formulas. Then apply a light fill color.
Give this UDF (user defined function) a try...
Function IndexWords(S As String) As String
  Dim Words() As String
  Words = Split(S, "INDEX:", 2)
  If UBound(Words) = 1 Then IndexWords = Split(Words(1), vbLf)(0)
End Function

If you are new to UDFs, they are easy to install and use. To install it, simply press ALT+F11 to go into the VB editor and, once there, click Insert/Module on its menu bar, then copy/paste the above code into the code window that just opened up. That's it.... you are done. You can now use IndexWords just like it was a built-in Excel function. For example, assuming your text is in cell A4, put this formula in cell G4 (the cell you said you wanted the outputted text to go to)..


If you are using XL2007 or above, make sure you save your file as an "Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm) and answer the "do you want to enable macros" question as "yes" or "OK" (depending on the button label for your version of Excel) the next time you open your workbook.
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Thank you for the nice comments guys! I posted that UDF solution just before going to bed (I think in VBA faster than I do in Excel formulas). Now that I have just gotten up, two things have occurred to me. First, I think the output from my UDF needs a minor tweak to handle extraneous spaces. Here is the modified code to do that...
Function IndexWords(S As String) As String
  Dim Words() As String
  Words = Split(S, "INDEX:", 2)
  If UBound(Words) = 1 Then IndexWords = Application.Trim(Split(Words(1), vbLf)(0))
End Function

Second, there is a formula solution available to do this as well...

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Rick, thank you - I had encountered the spaces problem but just used a separate routine to remove those, so although it works, yours is neater and I will change what I have. Thanks again!
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Give this formula a try too:

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Can you assist please?

I need to extract the date only from this field within the email and although the extraction works, it keeps giving me the date as '00/01/1900'.

Any ideas?

Claim created on: 02/09/2014 16:14
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Can you assist please?

I need to extract the date only from this field within the email and although the extraction works, it keeps giving me the date as '00/01/1900'.

Any ideas?

Claim created on: 02/09/2014 16:14

That text does not have the word "INDEX:" in it, so my code, as written, will return nothing... change "INDEX:" to "on:" in the code and it should work.
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Thanks Rick,

I'd adjusted your code like this;

Function ExtractDATE(S As String) As String
Dim Words() As String
Words = Split(S, "Claim created on: ", 2)
If UBound(Words) = 1 Then ExtractDATE = Split(Words(1), vbLf)(0)
End Function

but that doesn't work - can you see something obvious?
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