I have a data dump from the general ledger, and I'm only interested in extracting out the date. Each entry is different but all have a common mm/dd/yy, below are a few samples of exact data. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
01 RJ 01/01/14 A 2044 Accrue admin exp thru 12/13
06 AP 06/17/14 I 1 1063VERIZON
04 AP 04/25/14 N 18 1070EMDEON BUSINESS SERVI
01 RJ 01/01/14 A 2044 Accrue admin exp thru 12/13
06 AP 06/17/14 I 1 1063VERIZON
04 AP 04/25/14 N 18 1070EMDEON BUSINESS SERVI