This seemed like a fairly simple task and I have gotten 99% of it apart from a small issue.
My original data is stored
Surname, Firstname
Smith, John
and I'm looking to change (via formulas only) to
Initial Surname
J Smith
I'm using the following formula
But I end up with
J Smith,
and it's that **** comma at the end I can't figure out how to get rid of Any help ?
edit - Dammit I meant to call the thread TRAILING comma not TRAINING. I can't figure out how to change
This seemed like a fairly simple task and I have gotten 99% of it apart from a small issue.
My original data is stored
Surname, Firstname
Smith, John
and I'm looking to change (via formulas only) to
Initial Surname
J Smith
I'm using the following formula
=LEFT(TRIM(IF(ISERROR(FIND(" ",G4,1)),G4,MID(G4,FIND(" ",G4,1)+1,IF(ISERROR(FIND(" ",G4,FIND(",",G4,1)+2)),LEN(G4),FIND(" ",G4,FIND(",",G4,1)+2))-FIND(" ",G4,1)))))&" "&LEFT(G4,FIND(", ",G4&" "))
But I end up with
J Smith,
and it's that **** comma at the end I can't figure out how to get rid of Any help ?
edit - Dammit I meant to call the thread TRAILING comma not TRAINING. I can't figure out how to change
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