Fill Macro


Board Regular
Sep 27, 2004

I have a pivot table that I have copied, paste special value into another file so that I can sort a specific way. Column A has the Vendor, Column B the business unit. There are multiple business unit but the pivot shows the vendor once and then each of the business units. I need a macro to auto-fill the vendor inforomation in the left hand column (column A) for each line there is a business unit. Does anyone have any ideas??


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if you select the blank cells in column A and insert the formula


Sub test()
With ActiveSheet.Columns(1)
  .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).FormulaR1C1 = "=r[-1]c"
End With
End Sub
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If your vendor is in cell A1, try:
Sub FillDown ()
Range("A1:A" & Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).FillDown
End Sub
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A slightly smarter version

Sub fill2()
    With Range("A2", Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Offset(, -1))
        .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).FormulaR1C1 = "=r[-1]c"
        .Value = .Value
    End With
End Sub
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Everyone, thanks, this is what I was looking for today!

I need a little more help with it.

My pivot table has 7 columns in the row area and the one necessary in the data area. The first 3 columns have blank rows under a row with a value. Can I use a macro to fill in the blanks with the value above in all three columns at once?

I did copy and paste the pivot table data onto a new worksheet, ran a macro to fill in col A, then copied and insered the other columns into column A to use the macro. It seems it should be easier.

Also a problem, on my trial worksheet, the "fill2" macro worked the first time, then after that only filled in the first blank under the topmost value. So I tried the "test" macro. Luckily it worked in mutiple trials. What could have happened with the "fill2" macro?

Thanks, Ann
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Hi, this is Ann
I take back some of my last post in this thread. I went back to my trial page and now both the Fill2 and Test macros are working:)! Don't know why the Fill2 didn't work before. But don't think any more about it.

I just need a macro, if possible, to fill in blank rows with a value in a row above in column A and also in columns B, C, etc at the same time. Thanks!
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