Trying to write some code to look at each populated cell in column "I" and check for a specific character. Finding it will print a message in adjacent cell to the cell of found character.
I have:
Would anyone be able to tell me why I get an error on the "If" line.
Error is "Unable to get the Find property of the Worksheetfunction class"
Thank you for looking.
I have:
' Check for Group Notations and then print note
LR = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 9).End(xlUp).Row
For c = LR To 1 Step -1
If WorksheetFunction.Find("K", Range("I" & c)) > 0 Then
Range("J" & c) = "Hooray, I found it!"
Range("J" & c) = ""
End If
Next c
Would anyone be able to tell me why I get an error on the "If" line.
Error is "Unable to get the Find property of the Worksheetfunction class"
Thank you for looking.