Hi, I want to find the last row in a sheet, but without counting the first one.
The first row is the top of the tabel and it`s posibile that I don`t have dates, but the first row is there and after that I have to copy the dates from that file to another and is copied the first row when the other rows are empty.
It`s posible to modify this code:
to run only from the end to row2(if there is only first row).
The first row is the top of the tabel and it`s posibile that I don`t have dates, but the first row is there and after that I have to copy the dates from that file to another and is copied the first row when the other rows are empty.
It`s posible to modify this code:
LR = Sheets("Faza2").Cells.Find("*", SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, SearchOrder:=xlByRows).Row