Find Null or Zero and Eliminate Entire Row if Found


New Member
Aug 13, 2014
The following sub allows me to delete entire rows if there is a cell with no data. Can anyone tell me how to get it to delete rows if a cell contains a "0" also. In other words, the VBA code would check for both and either would result in elimination of the row. Also, I currently am using this procedure seperately for several columns (E:M). If possible, I would like to combine the 10 different Subs into one Sub. Thanks for your help.

Sub Delete_Nulls_Column_E()
Dim LR As Long
Dim r As Long
With ActiveSheet
LR = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For r = LR To 2 Step -1
With .Range("E" & r)
If .Value = "" Then

End If
End With
Next r
End With

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Sub deleteNulls()

For y = 5 To 13 Step 1
    For x = Cells(Rows.Count, y).End(xlUp) To 2 Step -1
        Select Case Cells(x, y).value
            Case "", 0
                Cells(x, y).EntireRow.Delete
            Case Else
        End Select
    Next x
Next x

End Sub
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If .Value = ""  Or .Value = 0 Then
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Thanks gsistek. That was a simple solution and it worked. Currently I am repeating that Sub 10 times for 10 different columns. Is there a simple way to combine your code into one Sub to take care of all 10 columns? NeonRedSharpie provided code for that, but it gave me a Compile error: Invalid Next control variable reference. I suspect I was supposed to put something else in the Next command, but as a beginner, I didn't know what to do.
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Thanks for your help NeonRedSharpie. It looks like a good solution, but I assume you gave me the first part and thought I knew how to fill in the Next x part. As a beginner, I didn't know how to address that. I got a Compile error: Invalid Next control variable reference. Can you tell me how to fill in the rest of the code. I have a solution to delete these columns another way, but I have to repeat the Sub 10 times, and it takes a "long time" for it to execute.
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Sub deleteNulls()

For y = 5 To 13 Step 1
    For x = Cells(Rows.Count, y).End(xlUp) To 2 Step -1
        Select Case Cells(x, y).value
            Case "", 0
                Cells(x, y).EntireRow.Delete
            Case Else
        End Select
    Next x
Next [COLOR=#ff0000][U][I][B]x[/B][/I][/U][/COLOR]​  y

End Sub

I just fubarred the next control. Changing the final "Next x" to "Next y" should fix that.
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Thanks for your input NeonRedSharpie. I didn't get the Compile error, but it didn't delete the rows. Any other possibilities? Thanks again.
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