Hi all,
I'm trying to write a macro to find the text "Journey Start Event" in column e and delete all rows above this. There will only be one instance of this text. I've adapted the macro below from another one that detects the first instance of a text and deletes all rows above. However I cannot seem to get it to work and there are no errors. Any ideas?
Here is where I got the original code http://excel.bigresource.com/Track/excel-XkKkmdSJ/
I'm trying to write a macro to find the text "Journey Start Event" in column e and delete all rows above this. There will only be one instance of this text. I've adapted the macro below from another one that detects the first instance of a text and deletes all rows above. However I cannot seem to get it to work and there are no errors. Any ideas?
Here is where I got the original code http://excel.bigresource.com/Track/excel-XkKkmdSJ/
Sub Deleterowsabove()
Dim foundOne As Range
On Error Resume Next
With ActiveSheet
Set foundOne = .Range("E:E").Find(What:="Journey Start Event", After:=.Range("e1"), LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
If foundOne.Row = 1 Then
Range(.Range("e1"), foundOne.Offset(-1, 0)).EntireRow.Delete shift:=xlUp
End If
End With
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub