Hey all,
in short, my purpose is to find the maximum decimal places among 6 prices.
if I have the next prices (I'll list only 3 prices in the example, don't need more):
stock A: 100
stock B: 100.1
stock C: 100.11
then I would like to get the answer 2 as stock C has 2 decimal places which are more than 1 or 0 of stocks B and A.
so I wrote a function that does that, and for some reason when I play with the prices to check if it works it has some issues (in particular if all prices has no decimal and I add one decimal to a price it's ok, but as soon as I add another decimal to another stock [two stocks with one decimal each] then suddenly I get the answer 2 instead of 1)
can someone give me a hand on this please ? thanks
Function DecimalPlaces(ByVal bp1!, ByVal bp2!, ByVal bp3!, ByVal ap1!, ByVal ap2!, ByVal ap3!) As Byte 'bp = Bid Price
Dim nodp As Byte 'nodp = number of decimal places
nodp = 0
If (bp1 * 10 - CInt(bp1 * 10) <> 0) Or (bp2 * 10 - CInt(bp2 * 10) <> 0) Or (bp3 * 10 - CInt(bp3 * 10) <> 0) Or _
(ap1 * 10 - CInt(ap1 * 10) <> 0) Or (ap2 * 10 - CInt(ap2 * 10) <> 0) Or (ap3 * 10 - CInt(ap3 * 10) <> 0) Then
nodp = 2
ElseIf (bp1 - CInt(bp1) <> 0) Or (bp2 - CInt(bp2) <> 0) Or (bp3 - CInt(bp3) <> 0) Or _
(ap1 - CInt(ap1) <> 0) Or (ap2 - CInt(ap2) <> 0) Or (ap3 - CInt(ap3) <> 0) Then
nodp = 1
nodp = 0
End If
DecimalPlaces = nodp
End Function
in short, my purpose is to find the maximum decimal places among 6 prices.
if I have the next prices (I'll list only 3 prices in the example, don't need more):
stock A: 100
stock B: 100.1
stock C: 100.11
then I would like to get the answer 2 as stock C has 2 decimal places which are more than 1 or 0 of stocks B and A.
so I wrote a function that does that, and for some reason when I play with the prices to check if it works it has some issues (in particular if all prices has no decimal and I add one decimal to a price it's ok, but as soon as I add another decimal to another stock [two stocks with one decimal each] then suddenly I get the answer 2 instead of 1)
can someone give me a hand on this please ? thanks
Function DecimalPlaces(ByVal bp1!, ByVal bp2!, ByVal bp3!, ByVal ap1!, ByVal ap2!, ByVal ap3!) As Byte 'bp = Bid Price
Dim nodp As Byte 'nodp = number of decimal places
nodp = 0
If (bp1 * 10 - CInt(bp1 * 10) <> 0) Or (bp2 * 10 - CInt(bp2 * 10) <> 0) Or (bp3 * 10 - CInt(bp3 * 10) <> 0) Or _
(ap1 * 10 - CInt(ap1 * 10) <> 0) Or (ap2 * 10 - CInt(ap2 * 10) <> 0) Or (ap3 * 10 - CInt(ap3 * 10) <> 0) Then
nodp = 2
ElseIf (bp1 - CInt(bp1) <> 0) Or (bp2 - CInt(bp2) <> 0) Or (bp3 - CInt(bp3) <> 0) Or _
(ap1 - CInt(ap1) <> 0) Or (ap2 - CInt(ap2) <> 0) Or (ap3 - CInt(ap3) <> 0) Then
nodp = 1
nodp = 0
End If
DecimalPlaces = nodp
End Function
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