Finding the middle cell of a range with VBA


Board Regular
May 20, 2008
Is it possible to find the middle cell of a range with VBA? The range will be decided by a number of circumstances so I don't know in advance what the range will be.
For example, if the range is A1:A9 I would like a cell reference of A5 returned. If the range is A1:A10, it could return A5 or A6, it doesn't matter to me.


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Possibly like this. It can be used as a worksheet function

Function Middle(r As Range) As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long
If r.Columns.Count > 1 Then
    Middle = [#N/A]
    Exit Function
End If
i = r.Row
j = r.Rows.Count
Middle = Cells(i + (j - 1) / 2, r.Column).Address(False, False)
End Function

Excel Workbook
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For a non VBA method you can try the formula below which applies to range A1:A10. adapt the range as required.

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Thanks Jaafar, but it does need to done in VBA as it's a small part of a larger macro.

Peter I've hit a problem with your code, and for the life of me I can't figure out why it is the case. Here is the code. It's two functions and a sub (yours being the second function.) It's the sub that is causing the issue:
Function Find_Range(Find_Item As Variant, _
    Search_Range As Range, _
    Optional LookIn As Variant, _
    Optional LookAt As Variant, _
    Optional MatchCase As Boolean) As Range
    Dim c As Range
    If IsMissing(LookIn) Then LookIn = xlValues 'xlFormulas
    If IsMissing(LookAt) Then LookAt = xlPart 'xlWhole
    If IsMissing(MatchCase) Then MatchCase = False
    With Search_Range
        Set c = .Find( _
        What:=Find_Item, _
        LookIn:=LookIn, _
        LookAt:=LookAt, _
        SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
        SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
        MatchCase:=MatchCase, _
        If Not c Is Nothing Then
            Set Find_Range = c
            FirstAddress = c.Address
                Set Find_Range = Union(Find_Range, c)
                Set c = .FindNext(c)
            Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> FirstAddress
        End If
    End With
End Function

Function Middle(r As Range) As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long
If r.Columns.Count > 1 Then
    Middle = [#N/A]
    Exit Function
End If
i = r.Row
j = r.Rows.Count
Middle = Cells(i + (j - 1) / 2, r.Column).Address
End Function

Sub FindMiddleCell()
Dim MyRange1, MyRange2, MyRange3, MyRange4 As Range
Dim MiddleCell1, MiddleCell2, MiddleCell3, MiddleCell4 As Variant

'Using the Find_Range function from above to find the numbers 1,2,3 and 4 within the range M1:M100 and return the range
'The "MyRange" variables are then used in other places in the code as well as here.

Set MyRange1 = Find_Range(1, Range("M1:M100"), xlFormulas, xlWhole)
Set MyRange2 = Find_Range(2, Range("M1:M100"), xlFormulas, xlWhole)
Set MyRange3 = Find_Range(3, Range("M1:M100"), xlFormulas, xlWhole)
Set MyRange4 = Find_Range(4, Range("M1:M100"), xlFormulas, xlWhole)

'Using your Function to find the middle cell address.
'Altered the final line of your Function code to return an absolute reference.

MiddleCell1 = Middle(Range(MyRange1.Address))
MiddleCell2 = Middle(Range(MyRange2.Address))
MiddleCell3 = Middle(Range(MyRange3.Address))
MiddleCell14 = Middle(Range(MyRange4.Address))

'The following test works with MiddleCells 1,2 and 3 but not 4
MsgBox MiddleCell4

End Sub
If I check the variables MiddleCell 1, 2 or 3 they all work, but MiddleCell4 is coming back blank. Originally I had the dimension of the MiddleCell variables as "Range" and using the "Set" command which made sense to me, but it kept coming back with an error. The only way I could get anything to work was to dim them as a variant (I'm guessing because that is what your function does?)

I am so confused!
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Figured it out. It was a typo! I wrote
MiddleCelll4 = Middle(Range(MyRange4.Address))
instead of
MiddleCell4 = Middle(Range(MyRange4.Address))
I'm an idiot!
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Figured it out. It was a typo! I wrote
MiddleCelll4 = Middle(Range(MyRange4.Address))
instead of
MiddleCell4 = Middle(Range(MyRange4.Address))
I'm an idiot!
I only part of this that I would agree you are an "idiot" is because you are not using Option Explicit which would have pointed you to the problem immediately. Option Explicit requires you to declare all variables beforehand so that if you use a variable that was not declared, VB stops and tells you. Think about if your problem had involved a numeric value that was to be used in calculations later on and that you made the same kind of typing error... you would have set the correct value into a variable you never used again and all your calculations afterwards would have been wrong... and you might never know it (unless the magnitude of the error was such as to raise suspicion). Using Option Explicit is a good thing to do. You can automate its use by clicking Tools/Options on the VB editor's menu bar and checking the "Require Variable Declaration" checkbox. While you are there, you might as well uncheck the "Auto Syntax Check" checkbox (syntax will still be red, but you won't be interrupted into having to deal with it immediately).
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That's makes sense Rick, I have only recently started to get the hang of using the Dim command at the beginning of a Sub, and while I knew about Option Explicit, I didn't realize why it was so useful until you just explained it. The other tip is also going to save me a lot of anger, as the Auto Syntax Check has been driving me crazy when I am copying and pasting something before finishing a line of code, so that is great to know. Maybe I was a little hard on myself! I am learning! :)

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The below provides a better encapsulation of the issue and returns the cell address from the middle of any range, rounded towards the left and top by default, but settable by the user

Public Function CellInTheMiddle(CellAddress As String, Optional TowardsLeft As Boolean = True, Optional TowardsTop As Boolean = True) As String
' CellInTheMiddle Public Function
' Created 2018-10-19 by Timothy Daniel Cox
' last edited 2018-10-19 by Timothy Daniel Cox
' Returns the middle cell from a range - users can choose whether to round towards the left and towards the top
' Uses: CellReference, ColumnAsLetter
' References: N/A
    Dim RowCount As Long, ColumnCount As Long, ReturnColumn As Long, ReturnRow As Long
    If CellReference(CellAddress) Then
        ColumnCount = Range(CellAddress).Columns.Count
        RowCount = Range(CellAddress).Rows.Count
        ReturnColumn = Range(CellAddress).Column
        ReturnRow = Range(CellAddress).Row
        If ColumnCount > 1 And Not TowardsLeft Then ReturnColumn = Round(ReturnColumn + ((ColumnCount - 1) / 2))
        If ColumnCount > 1 And TowardsLeft Then ReturnColumn = Round(ReturnColumn + ((ColumnCount - 1) / 2) - 0.5)
        If RowCount > 1 And Not TowardsTop Then ReturnRow = Round(ReturnRow + ((RowCount - 1) / 2))
        If RowCount > 1 And TowardsTop Then ReturnRow = Round(ReturnRow + ((RowCount - 1) / 2) - 0.5)
        CellInTheMiddle = ColumnAsLetter(ReturnColumn) & ReturnRow
        CellInTheMiddle = "Invalid Cell Reference"
    End If
End Function

Private Function CellReference(CellAddress As String) As Boolean
' CellReference Function
' Created 2018-10-19 by Timothy Daniel Cox
' last edited 2018-10-19 by Timothy Daniel Cox
' Checks if a Cell Reference is valid - does this by causing an error if a range cannot be set and only setting true if not
' Uses: N/A
' References: N/A
On Error Resume Next
    Dim TempCell
    TempCell = "ChecksForBlank"
    CellReference = False
    TempCell = Range(CellAddress).Address
    If TempCell = CellAddress Then CellReference = True
End Function

Private Function ColumnAsLetter(ColumnNumber As Long) As String
' ColumnAsLetter Function
' based on Number2Letter macro (
' published 2017-07-10 by Chris Newman
' last edited 2018-10-05 by Timothy Daniel Cox
' Convert a given number into its corresponding Letter Reference
' Uses: N/A
' References: N/A
On Error Resume Next
    ColumnAsLetter = Split(Cells(1, ColumnNumber).Address, "$")(1)
End Function

There are 3 macros above, but CellReference (which checks if what you have passed is a valid cell reference) could be removed and ColumnAsLetter could easily have it's single line combined into CellInTheMiddle (as below)

Public Function CellInTheMiddle(CellAddress As String, Optional TowardsLeft As Boolean = True, Optional TowardsTop As Boolean = True) As String
' CellInTheMiddle Public Function
' includes code published 2017-07-10 by Chris Newman (
' Created 2018-10-19 by Timothy Daniel Cox
' last edited 2018-10-19 by Timothy Daniel Cox
' Returns the middle cell from a range - users can choose whether to round towards the left and towards the top
' Uses: N/A
' References: N/A
    Dim RowCount As Long, ColumnCount As Long, ReturnColumn As Long, ReturnRow As Long
        ColumnCount = Range(CellAddress).Columns.Count
        RowCount = Range(CellAddress).Rows.Count
        ReturnColumn = Range(CellAddress).Column
        ReturnRow = Range(CellAddress).Row
        If ColumnCount > 1 And Not TowardsLeft Then ReturnColumn = Round(ReturnColumn + ((ColumnCount - 1) / 2))
        If ColumnCount > 1 And TowardsLeft Then ReturnColumn = Round(ReturnColumn + ((ColumnCount - 1) / 2) - 0.5)
        If RowCount > 1 And Not TowardsTop Then ReturnRow = Round(ReturnRow + ((RowCount - 1) / 2))
        If RowCount > 1 And TowardsTop Then ReturnRow = Round(ReturnRow + ((RowCount - 1) / 2) - 0.5)
        CellInTheMiddle = Split(Cells(1, ReturnColumn).Address, "$")(1) & ReturnRow
End Function
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Further testing has revealed a small bug which is corrected below. As I can't edit, I've reposted.

The below provides a better encapsulation of the issue and returns the cell address from the middle of any range, rounded towards the left and top by default, but settable by the user

Public Function CellInTheMiddle(CellAddress As String, Optional TowardsLeft As Boolean = True, Optional TowardsTop As Boolean = True) As String'
' CellInTheMiddle Public Function
' Created 2018-10-19 by Timothy Daniel Cox
' last edited 2018-10-22 by Timothy Daniel Cox
' Returns the middle cell from a range - users can choose whether to round towards the left and towards the top
' Uses: CellReference, ColumnAsLetter
' References: N/A
    Dim RowCount As Long, ColumnCount As Long, ReturnColumn As Long, ReturnRow As Long
    If CellReference(CellAddress) Then
        ColumnCount = Range(CellAddress).Columns.Count
        RowCount = Range(CellAddress).Rows.Count
        ReturnColumn = Range(CellAddress).Column
        ReturnRow = Range(CellAddress).Row
        If ColumnCount > 1 And Not TowardsLeft Then ReturnColumn = Round(ReturnColumn + (ColumnCount / 2), 0)
        If ColumnCount > 1 And TowardsLeft Then ReturnColumn = Round(ReturnColumn + (ColumnCount / 2) - 0.5, 0)
        If RowCount > 1 And Not TowardsTop Then ReturnRow = Round(ReturnRow + (RowCount / 2), 0)
        If RowCount > 1 And TowardsTop Then ReturnRow = Round(ReturnRow + (RowCount / 2) - 0.5, 0)
        CellInTheMiddle = ColumnAsLetter(ReturnColumn) & ReturnRow
        CellInTheMiddle = "Invalid Cell Reference"
    End If
End Function

Private Function CellReference(CellAddress As String) As Boolean
' CellReference Function
' Created 2018-10-19 by Timothy Daniel Cox
' last edited 2018-10-19 by Timothy Daniel Cox
' Checks if a Cell Reference is valid - does this by causing an error if a range cannot be set and only setting true if not
' Uses: N/A
' References: N/A
On Error Resume Next
    Dim TempCell
    TempCell = "ChecksForBlank"
    CellReference = False
    TempCell = Range(CellAddress).Address
    If TempCell = CellAddress Then CellReference = True
End Function

Private Function ColumnAsLetter(ColumnNumber As Long) As String
' ColumnAsLetter Function
' based on Number2Letter macro (
' published 2017-07-10 by Chris Newman
' last edited 2018-10-05 by Timothy Daniel Cox
' Convert a given number into its corresponding Letter Reference
' Uses: N/A
' References: N/A
On Error Resume Next
    ColumnAsLetter = Split(Cells(1, ColumnNumber).Address, "$")(1)
End Function

There are 3 macros above, but CellReference (which checks if what you have passed is a valid cell reference) could be removed and ColumnAsLetter could easily have it's single line combined into CellInTheMiddle (as below)

Public Function CellInTheMiddle(CellAddress As String, Optional TowardsLeft As Boolean = True, Optional TowardsTop As Boolean = True) As String
' CellInTheMiddle Public Function
' includes code published 2017-07-10 by Chris Newman (
' Created 2018-10-19 by Timothy Daniel Cox
' last edited 2018-10-22 by Timothy Daniel Cox
' Returns the middle cell from a range - users can choose whether to round towards the left and towards the top
' Uses: N/A
' References: N/A
    Dim RowCount As Long, ColumnCount As Long, ReturnColumn As Long, ReturnRow As Long
        ColumnCount = Range(CellAddress).Columns.Count
        RowCount = Range(CellAddress).Rows.Count
        ReturnColumn = Range(CellAddress).Column
        ReturnRow = Range(CellAddress).Row
        If ColumnCount > 1 And Not TowardsLeft Then ReturnColumn = Round(ReturnColumn + (ColumnCount / 2), 0)
        If ColumnCount > 1 And TowardsLeft Then ReturnColumn = Round(ReturnColumn + (ColumnCount / 2) - 0.5, 0)
        If RowCount > 1 And Not TowardsTop Then ReturnRow = Round(ReturnRow + (RowCount  / 2), 0)
        If RowCount > 1 And TowardsTop Then ReturnRow = Round(ReturnRow + (RowCount / 2) - 0.5, 0)
        CellInTheMiddle = Split(Cells(1, ReturnColumn).Address, "$")(1) & ReturnRow
End Function
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