when using the below formula it gives the correct fiscal yr and quarter. the fiscal year starts 11/01/xx and ends 10/31/xx.
="FY"&RIGHT(YEAR(A2),2)+(MONTH(A2)>10)&CHOOSE(MONTH(A2)," Q1"," Q2"," Q2"," Q2"," Q3"," Q3"," Q3"," Q4"," Q4"," Q4"," Q1"," Q1")
when i use this formula in a macro it doesn't give me the correct fiscal yr for 11/10/10 thru 01/31/11. it should be fy11 q1 but i get fy9 q1. any assistance would be appreciated...
Sub FiscalQtr()
Dim x As Long
finalrow = Range("c65536").End(xlUp).Row
For x = 2 To finalrow
y = Range("f" & x).Value
I = "FY" & Right(Year, 2) + (Month > 10) & Choose(Month, " Q1", " Q2", " Q2", " Q2", " Q3", " Q3", " Q3", " Q4", " Q4", " Q4", " Q1", " Q1")
Range("o" & x) = I
Next x
End Sub
="FY"&RIGHT(YEAR(A2),2)+(MONTH(A2)>10)&CHOOSE(MONTH(A2)," Q1"," Q2"," Q2"," Q2"," Q3"," Q3"," Q3"," Q4"," Q4"," Q4"," Q1"," Q1")
when i use this formula in a macro it doesn't give me the correct fiscal yr for 11/10/10 thru 01/31/11. it should be fy11 q1 but i get fy9 q1. any assistance would be appreciated...
Sub FiscalQtr()
Dim x As Long
finalrow = Range("c65536").End(xlUp).Row
For x = 2 To finalrow
y = Range("f" & x).Value
I = "FY" & Right(Year, 2) + (Month > 10) & Choose(Month, " Q1", " Q2", " Q2", " Q2", " Q3", " Q3", " Q3", " Q4", " Q4", " Q4", " Q1", " Q1")
Range("o" & x) = I
Next x
End Sub