For Next loop...or whatever works


Active Member
Mar 14, 2002
I'm horrible with for / next loops.

I've got code that emails a notification and adds cell data to the body of the message (thanks to the board for info on that). I've already set up the sheet to add 'PAST DUE' when a date is past.

Now I want cycle through the sheet to look for "PAST Due" in Column N and send an email with data from Columns C, J, and K. I know where it goes (to be done upon opening the sheet). I just need the before and after stuff to do the cycling. I'm pretty sure the body of the email would be a variable instead of Range("cell").Text as part of the cycling. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :ROFLMAO:

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will this code work for you?

For MY_ROWS = 1 To Range("N65536").End(xlUp).Row
If Range("n" & MY_ROWS).Value = "PAST Due" Then
End If
End Sub
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Sweet. It worked. Now how do I change the body of the text to reflect each row of data that is sent? (i.e. certain cells for each row that is 'Past Due'). Obviously Range("C3").Text is only going to print that one row X number of times...
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Doh! Not working. I get runtime error 1004

"Method 'Range' of object '_global' failed"

Here's the code (you can see where I added your little bit). Where I had 'Range("C3").Text' (in the .Body which worked) I put your 'Range("C") & MY_ROWS' (for the three peices of data I'm copying)..

With objTask
.Subject = "Overdue Action Notice"
.Body = "***NOTICE***" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "This is to inform you that your action for " & Range("C") & MY_ROWS & " to " & Range("K") & MY_ROWS & Chr(13) & "was expected back by " & Range("J") & MY_ROWS & "." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Please contact the sender (as indicated on the transmittal) immediately to arrange completion of this action."
.Recipients.Add ("")
End With

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