How does one run a loop backwards, ie start from the end and work up
This code which deletes Appointments from my Outlook;
works perfectly fine EXCEPT it doesnt delete every item. I have to run it many times to get the number of items to 0. It needs to start at the bottom and go item by item up to the top. Should I be using Do While? ie
Do While objItemsInDateRange > 0 ?
This code which deletes Appointments from my Outlook;
For Each objAppt In objItemsInDateRange
'Debug.Print objAppt.Body
works perfectly fine EXCEPT it doesnt delete every item. I have to run it many times to get the number of items to 0. It needs to start at the bottom and go item by item up to the top. Should I be using Do While? ie
Do While objItemsInDateRange > 0 ?