For smokers


Well-known Member
Jan 17, 2003
jonmo1 posted here about his new found job (congratulations by the way) and mentions this:

Fortunately no "bad habbits" surfaced during the 6 month stint.
These Ecigs really work, going on a year now.

Maybe he can comment here also would be great to hear from anyone else that has tried this product.

Thank you

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My only advice would be to avoid anything that offers a "free trial", and the ads on TV. Those are the biggest sources of scams.

They say free trial, but you have to sign up for a "service" and your credit card is billed $XX every month, and they send you supplies (no where near enough).

Visit the forum that I linked in the other thread..

Do some research, there are tons of helpfull people there.

11 months now smoke free...Woo Hoo.
I haven't tried the ecigs, but stopped for 11 months after reading Allen Carr's book.

He just takes every excuse you can have for carrying on and shoots your argument down in flames. Worked for me (for a while anyway).
If I can quit, anyone can quit!

I smoked like a friggin smoke stack for over 35yrs.

The last 20 yrs I smoked AT LEAST 2 PACKS PER DAY and quite often 3 PACKS PER DAY.

That is totally ridiculous!

So, being a spreadsheet geek I looked at how much money I was spending on smokes per month when smokes got over $50/carton.


The number was staggering!

That's all she wrote. I just decided to quit. Cold turkey.

You know what?

It was so easy. No problem at all. No withdrawl, no nothin'.

It's been almost a year since I've had a smoke and I don't miss it at all. Period!

So, if I can do it, you can do it!

Do it!

Well life is short. I know two different people from which sadly the non-smoker died earlier.
It's no use if you don't smoke but have all kind of other bad habits...
I just prefer to smoke a good old tobacco pipe from time to time. It is a HECK of a lot cheaper than cigs, and from what I can tell of the year I've smoked a pipe, it isn't chemically addictive like cigarettes... though I only smoke maybe once every couple of weeks.

Tastes amazing, the smell of the pipe tobacco usually doesn't turn people away (especially when I have a good cherry-vanilla blend), and since I puff rather than inhale, the risk of lung cancer is nearly nonexistant. It is so relaxing to just sit outside after a long week to smoke a pipe and drink some scotch.

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