Greetings Fellow Excel'ers
I have two form-type Combo Boxes ("List A" and "List B") on a sheet and I would like the input-range of the second to be dependant on the value of the first.
My lists are as follows...
I would like to be able to select an item from combo box "List A" and then have combo box "List B" have the appropriate list as shown above. So if I select "SubList-3" from "List A", "List B" would have "****", "Tom" and "Harry" as its inputs.
I've tried defining a name (cmboOthers) using...
(List A value held at L2 while sublists are in columns N, P and R and start from row 5)
...but when I attempt to add the name cmboOthers into the "Input range" field of the combo box "Format Control" dialogue box I receive a pop-up saying "Reference is not valid". At this point I get stuck!
How do I make this work?
I'm using 2007.
Many Thanks in advance
I have two form-type Combo Boxes ("List A" and "List B") on a sheet and I would like the input-range of the second to be dependant on the value of the first.
My lists are as follows...
List A SubList-1 SubList-2 SubList-3
SubList-1 Apples Blue ****
SubList-2 Bananas Pink Harry
SubList-3 Pears Red Tom
I've tried defining a name (cmboOthers) using...
...but when I attempt to add the name cmboOthers into the "Input range" field of the combo box "Format Control" dialogue box I receive a pop-up saying "Reference is not valid". At this point I get stuck!
How do I make this work?
I'm using 2007.
Many Thanks in advance