Formatting Text Box to control user input


Board Regular
Nov 23, 2005
I have a problem with Formatting text boxes that I'm racking my brain over.

I am trying to format the text boxes to allow only a five digit number for zip code and phone number and can't seem to get it to work. The answer may be simple but I can't seem to find it.

Here is the following code for the zip code. And if you could provide one for a phone number (###)-###-#### is the format I'm looking for , it would be greatly appreciated.

Private Sub Txtzip_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
TxtZip.Value = WorksheetFunction.Text(TxtZip.Value, "00000")
End Sub

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What do you actually want to do?

Do you want to validate the user input or format it?
Private Sub Txtzip_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) 
TxtZip.Value = Format(TxtZip.Value, "00000") 
End Sub
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Not familiar with validations.

The user will be inputting a value within the text box as he fills out the userform. I don't want the user to be able to put in more than 5 digits for the zip code...and no less or no more than 7 digits for the phone number.

The formatting will be done on a worksheet, so I'm not too concerned about this aspect right now. However, I will create another user form that will show all the data placed on a worksheet so the formatting may be necessary down the road.

I hope this makes sense.
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I still unsure what you are after.

Do you want to restrict the user to only entering a 5 digit number for the zip code? If they enter anything else what do you want to happen.
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Well that's validation.
Private Sub Txtzip_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) 
If Len(TxtZip.Value)<>5 Or Not IsNumeric(TxtZip.Value) Then
   MsgBox "You must enter a 5-digit number for the zip code"
End If

End Sub
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That worked great. Thank you so much. So close but yet so far away.

Great forum. And I'll try and be a little more detailed from here on out.
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