What I have is 3 different machines that all have their Time of day set to different values.
When I start analyzing problems , the first thing I need to do if figure out the time difference between all 3 servers. So what I do is write down the time of all 3 servers at a known point in time. I then have to look through the logs from all three servers that display their own time in their logs. What I am looking for is a way to input the time of server A in A1, the Time of Server B in B1, and the time of server C in C1. Then if I change the value of the time in A1, I would like the time to change in B1 and C1 to match the time difference, so they are all showing the same point in time. And same for B1 and C1, If I change any one of the times, I want the other 2 to line up.