I just had a thought as I'm trying to optimize an Excel file with hundreds of thousands of formulas that I need to trim down the file size on.
It was always my understanding that array formulas were the most file size/memory impacting, then Sumif/Countif type formulas, then standard formulas like Vlookups/Count and then simple formulas like "=A1+A2"
Does anyone know if my understanding is correct? I just want to have the most knowledge as I try to go through this. I'm thinking I could shrink the range on my SUMIF's (instead of using the whole column as a range, maybe just use the first 100,000 rows since the range should never be that big) but want to optimize this thing the best I can.
It was always my understanding that array formulas were the most file size/memory impacting, then Sumif/Countif type formulas, then standard formulas like Vlookups/Count and then simple formulas like "=A1+A2"
Does anyone know if my understanding is correct? I just want to have the most knowledge as I try to go through this. I'm thinking I could shrink the range on my SUMIF's (instead of using the whole column as a range, maybe just use the first 100,000 rows since the range should never be that big) but want to optimize this thing the best I can.