Hello all. I will use a generic scenario for simplicity of conveying this issue. I have a spreadsheet laid out as follows (Column A=Classification; Column B= Customer #; Column C = Amount):
ColA ColB ColC
Class Cust# Amount
A 245 1.23
A 381 2.15
A 219 3.01
B 191 2.22
B 355 2.78
B 209 3.54
I've got this spreadsheet sorted by Class, then by Amount. In the real spreadsheet, there are about 20 Classes, and Class has several hundred rows. Each time the spreadsheet is updated, there is a different set of customers in the top entries. Since the spreadsheet is updated with the correct Sorting of the data, I am looking for a way to pull out the top 2 in each Class on a Summary Sheet, which would update each time the primary spreadsheet is updated. I would obviously need some function that looks at the Class Column A and grabs the records related to the first two items when the Class changes. Hope I have presented this clearly. Please let me know if I need to clarify any points further. I appreciate the help.
ColA ColB ColC
Class Cust# Amount
A 245 1.23
A 381 2.15
A 219 3.01
B 191 2.22
B 355 2.78
B 209 3.54
I've got this spreadsheet sorted by Class, then by Amount. In the real spreadsheet, there are about 20 Classes, and Class has several hundred rows. Each time the spreadsheet is updated, there is a different set of customers in the top entries. Since the spreadsheet is updated with the correct Sorting of the data, I am looking for a way to pull out the top 2 in each Class on a Summary Sheet, which would update each time the primary spreadsheet is updated. I would obviously need some function that looks at the Class Column A and grabs the records related to the first two items when the Class changes. Hope I have presented this clearly. Please let me know if I need to clarify any points further. I appreciate the help.