Function RandLen(dTot As Double, _
Optional dMin As Double = 0#, _
Optional ByVal iSig As Long = 0, _
Optional bVolatile As Boolean = False) As Variant
' shg 2011
' UDF wrapper for adRandLen
If bVolatile Then Application.Volatile
With Application.Caller
If .Rows.Count > 1 And .Columns.Count > 1 Then
RandLen = CVErr(xlErrRef)
ElseIf .Columns.Count > 1 Then
RandLen = adRandLen(dTot, .Columns.Count, dMin, iSig)
RandLen = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(adRandLen(dTot, .Rows.Count, dMin, iSig))
End If
End With
End Function
Function adRandLen(ByVal dTot As Double, _
nOut As Long, _
Optional ByVal dMin As Double = 0#, _
Optional ByVal iSig As Long = 307) As Double()
' shg 2011
' Applies string-cutting to return an array of nOut
' numbers totalling dTot, with each in the range
' dMin <= number <= Round(dTot, iSig) - nOut * round(dMin, iSig)
' Each number is rounded to iSig decimals
Dim iOut As Long ' index to iOut
Dim jOut As Long ' sort insertion point
Dim dRnd As Double ' random number
Dim dSig As Double ' decimal significance (e.g., 1, 0.01, ...)
Dim adOut() As Double ' output array
dTot = WorksheetFunction.Round(dTot, iSig)
dMin = WorksheetFunction.Round(dMin, iSig)
If nOut < 1 Or dTot < nOut * dMin Then Exit Function
ReDim adOut(1 To nOut)
dSig = 10# ^ -iSig
With New Collection
.Add Item:=0#
.Add Item:=dTot - nOut * dMin
' create the cuts
For iOut = 1 To nOut - 1
dRnd = Int(Rnd * ((dTot - nOut * dMin) / dSig)) * dSig
' insertion-sort the cut
For jOut = .Count To 1 Step -1
If .Item(jOut) <= dRnd Then
.Add Item:=dRnd, After:=jOut
Exit For
End If
Next jOut
Next iOut
' measure the lengths
For iOut = 1 To nOut
adOut(iOut) = .Item(iOut + 1) - .Item(iOut) + dMin
Next iOut
End With
adRandLen = adOut
End Function