Alright, so I've got 32 lines that need to be updated I want a macro that will go down the line and subtract all the previous weeks from the now current total.
What I don't understand and cannot figure out how to even word properly to find the answers is, how do I reference the cell? Obviously "Dx" is not going to work.
So please, how do I change (in this example) D, T, B, and C to reference the proper excel columns?
Dim x As Integer
For x = 4 To 35
Dx = (Tx - sum(Bx:Cx))
Next x
What I don't understand and cannot figure out how to even word properly to find the answers is, how do I reference the cell? Obviously "Dx" is not going to work.
So please, how do I change (in this example) D, T, B, and C to reference the proper excel columns?
Dim x As Integer
For x = 4 To 35
Dx = (Tx - sum(Bx:Cx))
Next x