I'm close - but I want the 'user' to be able to enter the number zero to either of my prompts without causing the macro to fail. Currently, if a user does not want to print any color copies (i.e. enters 0 - or B&W for that matter) the macro fails. Any ideas?
Sub Print_Report()
Dim CCopies, bwcopies As Integer
Copies = Application.InputBox("How many color copies?", Type:=1)
Copies = Application.InputBox("How many B&W copies?", Type:=1)
Sheets("YTD").PrintOut Copies:=CCopies, ActivePrinter:= _
"network_address_goes_here:", Collate:=True
Sheets("YTD Graph").PrintOut Copies:=CCopies, ActivePrinter:= _
"network_address_goes_here", Collate:=True
Sheets("YTD").PrintOut Copies:=bwcopies, ActivePrinter:= _
"network_address_goes_here", Collate:=True
Sheets("YTD Graph").PrintOut Copies:=bwcopies, ActivePrinter:= _
"network_address_goes_here", Collate:=True
End Sub