Here is what i'd like to do but i can't quite figure out what the most simple coding way of doing it would be? A formula example of how it could be done would be great!
I'm creating a cash management excel for my movie theatre that can be configurable for other theatres in our district. soooo.
I have a page configuration that has dropdowns of numbers of rows (drops) that a theatre needs for their cash drops & a drowpdown for them to choose number of stations they have (columns)
So configuration!J12 = # of rows they need
configuration!J14 = # of stations/columns they have
Is based on the number they selected. Hide rows and columns that are not neccessary..
So if they have one 1 for J12 & J14 then
Hide all other columns and all other rows.. rows and coluns are on sheet called MONDAY
I'm gussing i could record actions for each of these numbers? but it seems like that macro would be gigantic.
Any ideas on how i could get this working/going?
Thanks for help! and input
Here is what i'd like to do but i can't quite figure out what the most simple coding way of doing it would be? A formula example of how it could be done would be great!
I'm creating a cash management excel for my movie theatre that can be configurable for other theatres in our district. soooo.
I have a page configuration that has dropdowns of numbers of rows (drops) that a theatre needs for their cash drops & a drowpdown for them to choose number of stations they have (columns)
So configuration!J12 = # of rows they need
configuration!J14 = # of stations/columns they have
Is based on the number they selected. Hide rows and columns that are not neccessary..
So if they have one 1 for J12 & J14 then
Hide all other columns and all other rows.. rows and coluns are on sheet called MONDAY
I'm gussing i could record actions for each of these numbers? but it seems like that macro would be gigantic.
Any ideas on how i could get this working/going?
Thanks for help! and input