help Modifiy Code


Well-known Member
May 22, 2004
Office Version
  1. 2013
  2. 2010
  1. Windows
I have this code that Greg Truby provided several months back and now I would like to modify since the application has changed some.
My Original request was to copy formula from entire row above if column B was populated. The code perfectly.
My present need is to modify it so that it looks at column A and will allow me to paste in as many as 400 rows of data and still copy the formula down from row above to all 400 rows. I will also need to copy the data validation boxs down from the row above which the current code does not do. The range of data is A2:DR which I currently have to drag valaditon box down.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    ' code by Greg Truby
    ' If not column B or more than one cell being changed, leave.
    If Target.Column <> 2 _
    Or Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
    Dim rngFormulasOverMyHead As Range, rngCell As Range
    ' Copy formulas from row above into current row.
    On Error Resume Next
    Set rngFormulasOverMyHead = Target.Offset(-1).EntireRow.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 23)
    If rngFormulasOverMyHead Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Formulas not found in row above.", vbInformation, "No formulas copied"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    For Each rngCell In rngFormulasOverMyHead.Cells
        rngCell.Copy rngCell.Offset(1)
    Next rngCell
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Set rngFormulasOverMyHead = Nothing
    Set rngCell = Nothing

End Sub

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