Dim strGlassType As String
Dim strProductLine As String
Dim strProductType As String
Dim strPaneOptions As String
Dim strAirSpace As String
Dim strGridType As String
Dim outputRowsCount As Long
Dim outputRowTracker As Long
Private Sub btnExec_Click()
Sheets("Final Output").Rows("2:" & Rows.Count).Delete Shift:=xlUp
outputRowsCount = 1 'start at Row 2 of Final Output
outputRowTracker = 2 'Where are we Final Output
Dim LR As Long, LC As Long, i As Long, rws As Long
Dim LookForVal As String
Dim LookForVal_2 As String
Dim numRecords As String
numRecords = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("tblConfigData").ListRows.Count
If numRecords > 0 Then
For i = 2 To numRecords + 1
strGlassType = ActiveSheet.range("K" & i).Value
strPaneOptions = ActiveSheet.range("H" & i).Value
strProductLine = ActiveSheet.range("F" & i).Value
strProductType = ActiveSheet.range("G" & i).Value
strAirSpace = ActiveSheet.range("I" & i).Value
strGridType = ActiveSheet.range("J" & i).Value
'outputRowsCount = 2 'start at Row 2 of Final Output
MsgBox (strProductLine)
If strGlassType <> "Monolithic" And strGlassType <> "Lami-PVB" _
And strGlassType <> "Lami-SGP" Then 'look at LookForVal and LookForVal_2
Dim searchArray() As String
searchArray = Split(strPaneOptions, ";")
LookForVal = searchArray(0)
LookForVal_2 = searchArray(1)
copyRows strGlassType, LookForVal, LookForVal_2
Else ' Not dealing with IG
LookForVal = strPaneOptions
copyRows strGlassType, LookForVal
End If
Next i
MsgBox ("You have not added any configurations")
Exit Sub
End If
Sheets("Final Output").Select
End Sub
Private Sub copyRows(sheetID As String, searchVal_1 As String, Optional searchVal_2 As String = "_BLANK")
Dim stOrig As Worksheet
'Dim stName As Worksheet
Dim idCont As Long
Set stOrig = Sheets(sheetID)
idCont = Application.CountA(stOrig.Columns(1))
For i = 2 To idCont
If stOrig.range("D" & i).Value = Evaluate(searchVal_1) Then
If searchVal_2 <> "_BLANK" Then
If stOrig.range("G" & i).Value = Evaluate(searchVal_2) Then
outputRowsCount = outputRowsCount + 1
stOrig.Rows(i).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Final Output").Rows(outputRowsCount)
End If
Else 'we are not dealing with IG
outputRowsCount = outputRowsCount + 1
stOrig.Rows(i).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Final Output").Rows(outputRowsCount)
End If
End If
Next i
If outputRowsCount > 2 Then
Sheets("Final Output").range("A" & outputRowTracker & ":A" & outputRowsCount).Value = strProductLine
Sheets("Final Output").range("B" & outputRowTracker & ":B" & outputRowsCount).Value = strProductType
Sheets("Final Output").range("K" & outputRowTracker & ":K" & outputRowsCount).Value = strAirSpace
Sheets("Final Output").range("M" & outputRowTracker & ":M" & outputRowsCount).Value = strGridType
outputRowTracker = outputRowsCount + 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cboGlassType_Change()
Dim iTargetCol As Long
Dim oFoundCell As range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'By Default all checkboxes are checked - set toggle button accordingly
tglSelectCHKBox.Value = False
tglSelectCHKBox.Caption = "Deselect All"
With ConfigData.range(kList1Hnd)
Set oFoundCell = .Find(what:=cboGlassType.Value, _
If oFoundCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Critical error", vbCritical, kApp
Exit Sub
End If
End With
'load the PaneOptions dropdown and set the default to item 1
iTargetCol = oFoundCell.Column - 1
fzPopulatList2 iTargetCol
If cboGlassType.Value = "Monolithic" Or cboGlassType.Value = "Lami-PVB" _
Or cboGlassType.Value = "Lami-SGP" Then 'Disable N/A attributes for Monolithic
lblAirSpace.Visible = False
txtAirSpace.Visible = False
lblGridType.Visible = True
ckboGridType_N.Visible = True
ckboGridType_G.Visible = True
ckboGridType_GBG.Visible = False
ckboGridType_Contour.Visible = False
ckboGridType_S.Visible = False
ckboGridType_N.Value = True
ckboGridType_G.Value = True
ckboGridType_GBG.Value = False
ckboGridType_Contour.Value = False
ckboGridType_S.Value = False
txtAirSpace.Value = ""
strAirSpace = ""
lblAirSpace.Visible = True
txtAirSpace.Visible = True
lblGridType.Visible = True
ckboGridType_N.Visible = True
ckboGridType_G.Visible = True
ckboGridType_GBG.Visible = True
ckboGridType_Contour.Visible = True
ckboGridType_S.Visible = True
ckboGridType_N.Value = True
ckboGridType_G.Value = True
ckboGridType_GBG.Value = True
ckboGridType_Contour.Value = True
ckboGridType_S.Value = True
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdAddConfig_Click()
'check values
If cboGlassType.Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("Choose a Glass Type")
Exit Sub
strGlassType = cboGlassType.Value
End If
If cboProductLine.Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("Choose a Product Line")
Exit Sub
strProductLine = cboProductLine.Value
End If
If txtProductType.Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("Enter a Product Type")
Exit Sub
strProductType = txtProductType.Value
End If
If cboPaneOptions.Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("Choose a PaneOption")
Exit Sub
strPaneOptions = cboPaneOptions.Value
End If
If cboGlassType.Value <> "Monolithic" And cboGlassType.Value <> "Lami-PVB" _
And cboGlassType.Value <> "Lami-SGP" Then
If txtAirSpace.Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("Enter Air Space")
Exit Sub
strAirSpace = txtAirSpace.Value
End If
End If
'check Grid Types
strGridType = ""
If ckboGridType_N.Value = True Then
strGridType = "N,"
End If
If ckboGridType_G.Value = True Then
strGridType = strGridType + "G,"
End If
If ckboGridType_GBG.Value = True Then
strGridType = strGridType + "GBG,"
End If
If ckboGridType_Contour.Value = True Then
strGridType = strGridType + "Contour,"
End If
If ckboGridType_S.Value = True Then
strGridType = strGridType + "S,"
End If
'check if strGridType is null. if not remove last comma
If strGridType = "" Then
MsgBox ("Choose Grid Type")
Exit Sub
strGridType = Left(strGridType, Len(strGridType) - 1)
End If
'Add to Table
'Product Line
ActiveSheet.range("F" & ActiveSheet.ListObjects("tblConfigData").ListRows.Count + 1).Value = strProductLine
'Product Type
ActiveSheet.range("G" & ActiveSheet.ListObjects("tblConfigData").ListRows.Count + 1).Value = strProductType
ActiveSheet.range("H" & ActiveSheet.ListObjects("tblConfigData").ListRows.Count + 1).Value = strPaneOptions
ActiveSheet.range("I" & ActiveSheet.ListObjects("tblConfigData").ListRows.Count + 1).Value = strAirSpace
ActiveSheet.range("J" & ActiveSheet.ListObjects("tblConfigData").ListRows.Count + 1).Value = strGridType
ActiveSheet.range("K" & ActiveSheet.ListObjects("tblConfigData").ListRows.Count + 1).Value = strGlassType
End Sub
Private Sub tglSelectCHKBox_Click()
If tglSelectCHKBox.Value <> True Then
tglSelectCHKBox.Caption = "Deselect All"
ckboGridType_N.Value = True
ckboGridType_G.Value = True
ckboGridType_GBG.Value = True
ckboGridType_Contour.Value = True
ckboGridType_S.Value = True
If cboGlassType.Value = "Monolithic" Or cboGlassType.Value = "Lami-PVB" _
Or cboGlassType.Value = "Lami-SGP" Then 'Disable N/A attributes for Monolithic
ckboGridType_GBG.Value = False
ckboGridType_Contour.Value = False
ckboGridType_S.Value = False
End If
tglSelectCHKBox.Caption = "Select All"
ckboGridType_N.Value = False
ckboGridType_G.Value = False
ckboGridType_GBG.Value = False
ckboGridType_Contour.Value = False
ckboGridType_S.Value = False
End If
End Sub
' Not used as of yet....
Public Function fzToggleControls(toggle As Boolean)
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Count
If TypeName(ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(i).Object) = "CheckBox" Then
ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(i).Object.Value = toggle
ActiveSheet.OLEObjects(i).Object.Visble = toggle
End If
Next i
lblAirSpace.Visible = toggle
lblGridType.Visible = toggle
txtAirSpace.Visible = toggle
End Function