Hi I have this formula and would like to know how to copy it to a range while maintaning the reference..
so if I do something like this to select range
so the end result I need the reference to maintain so that the formula for A3 will be Q3 A4 Q4 A5 Q5 etcc....
I also tried copying the formula into a cell on sheet "Upload" and then ran code below but all it does it paste into specified range as text
=IF(Q2="MAP1234","Qualified in all 50 States",IF(Q2="MAP123","Southern;South and North Central",IF(Q2="MAP12","Southern;South-Central",IF(Q2="MAP13","Southern;North-Central",IF(Q2="MAP14","Southern;Northern",IF(Q2="MAP1","Southern",IF(Q2="MAP234","South and North Central;Northern",IF(Q2="MAP23","South and North Central",IF(Q2="MAP24","South-Central;Northern",IF(Q2="MAP2","South-Central",IF(Q2="MAP34","North-Central;Northern",IF(Q2="MAP3","North-Central",IF(Q2="MAP4","Northern","Does Not Qualify")))))))))))))
so if I do something like this to select range
Range("A2", "A" + LTrim(Str(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.count)))
I also tried copying the formula into a cell on sheet "Upload" and then ran code below but all it does it paste into specified range as text
'Add EstarWW Formula
Sheets("PCR Format").Select
Range("C2", "C" + LTrim(Str(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.count))).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlFormulas, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
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