I'm creating a dynamic graph (embeded excel workbook - Chartdata) in word where the user changes values in textboxes, these help to plot a graph.
3 questions
1. I can't keep the excel sheet hidden when I replot the graph.
I've tried
salesChart.ChartData.Workbook.Application.visible = false
with no sucess.
2. How can I add in screenupdating = false to the word doc?
Have tried application.screenupdating and document.screenupdating with no success.
3. You will notice that the graph is deleted and re created each time.
How and I amend the existing chartdata sheet?
thanks in advance for any help,
I'm creating a dynamic graph (embeded excel workbook - Chartdata) in word where the user changes values in textboxes, these help to plot a graph.
3 questions
1. I can't keep the excel sheet hidden when I replot the graph.
I've tried
salesChart.ChartData.Workbook.Application.visible = false
with no sucess.
2. How can I add in screenupdating = false to the word doc?
Have tried application.screenupdating and document.screenupdating with no success.
3. You will notice that the graph is deleted and re created each time.
How and I amend the existing chartdata sheet?
thanks in advance for any help,
Sub delete()
Selection.GoTo what:=wdGoToTable, which:=wdGoToFirst, Count:=1, Name:=""
D = Drug_costs.Value
H = Hospital_costs.Value
V = Vehicle_cost.Value
Dim oneSeries As Boolean
oneSeries = True
Dim salesChart As Chart
Dim chartWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet
' Add in a new chart
Set salesChart = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.AddChart.Chart
salesChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers
Set chartWorkSheet = salesChart.ChartData.Workbook.Worksheets(1)
' Resize the chart area
' Add data to the chart
For i = 0 To 151
chartWorkSheet.Cells(i + 2, 1) = i
chartWorkSheet.Cells(i + 2, 2) = (H * i) - (D * i) - V
Next i
' Quit Excel, since we no longer need it
End Sub