Horrible Lookup


New Member
Jan 16, 2004
I have Budget Data (12 months worth) on a sheet named Lookup and I have actual data by month on the sheet named Actual

Actual Data can be from 1 - 12 months, data is laid out

Acct Mth1 Mth2 Mth3 ..... ----> mth12

I can find out where the Actual Data ends by doing a Selection.end(xlToRight) and then calculating what Column I'm in on the Actual Sheet. I then need to go to the Lookup Sheet and return the amount in that column tto get the budgeted amount.

Dim CurrentMonth as Integer
CurrentMonth= Activecell.column

By thought pattern was I should then be able to apply the following formula:

LOOKUP is the sheet where the data resides
AP2 is where the Acct Number resides that I am looking up on


By now I guess you have figured out that it is not working with the declared variable. The ending column can vary monthly so I can't hardcode it

This formula is being used to go find the Budget Amount for that Month in the Lookup sheet

Appreciate any help you might be able to provide.


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When did Power Query debut in Excel?
Although it was an add-in in Excel 2010 & Excel 2013, Power Query became a part of Excel in 2016, in Data, Get & Transform Data.
Is it that you want to pull budget numbers into the actuals sheet to fill out the current year where you have no actuals as yet?
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Not quite yet, that is next step

I know what my actual is up to that point in time, now I want to find out what my budget is.

Next step pull remaining budget
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Figured it out: FINALLY have spent hours on this:

Heres the fix

=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(AP2,LOOKUP!$A$1:$N$10000," & CurrentMonth & ",0)),0,VLOOKUP(AP2,LOOKUP!$A$1:$N$10000)," & CurrentMonth & ",0))
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If you've got 5 months of actuals in a row, do you want to import months 6-12 to fill out that row?
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