The following code assign next value to a column.
How do I assign the previou value to a column? Where do I add
a -1? Please help. Thank you.
How do I assign the previou value to a column? Where do I add
a -1? Please help. Thank you.
' This Sub reads the filters from "Value" sheet and store them in ' availableFilters array and deletes the sheet "Value"
For i = 1 To intColCount If filterArray(i, 1) <> "" Then
Assign new filter value
'loop through the distinct value array
'find where filterarray = value array
'assign next value to column
For x = 1 To UBound(availableFilters)
If availableFilters(x) = Replace(filterArray(i, 1), "=", "") Then Range(currentFiltRange)
.AutoFilter field:=i, Criteria1:=availableFilters(x + 1)
End If
End If
End With
End With
End Sub