How exit sub on InputBox Cancel if Zero is valid?


Well-known Member
Mar 23, 2008
Sorry if this is dumb, but how do I differentiate between a user entering a zero and a user clicking on Cancel on my input box? Zero would be a valid response and my code should continue. Valid responses are 0 through 12.

I've been looking for two hours and can't figure this out.


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Why does 9 mean SUM in SUBTOTAL?
It is because Sum is the 9th alphabetically in Average, Count, CountA, Max, Min, Product, StDev.S, StDev.P, Sum, VAR.S, VAR.P.
Sub tester()
  Test = InputBox("Enter a Number")
  If IsNumeric(Test) Then
    MsgBox ("Correct Entry")
    Else: MsgBox ("user Cancelled")
  End If
End Sub
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Use InputBox method, instead of InputBox function
Something like
Dim myNum
myNum = Application.InputBox("Enter number 0 - 12", type:=1)
If myNum = False Then Exit Sub
If (myNum < 0) + (myNum > 11) Then
    MsgBox "Invalid number"
End If
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Sorry this reply is a bit late. I hadn't checked the thread again after the reply before yours, and I didn't see your response. The bit of code you provided helped a lot with a newer version of the report and I just wanted to say thanks.
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Just want to apologize, I only today realized there was a thank/like option for the posts. I really do appreciate the help.
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The InputBox (as opposed to Application.InputBox) always returns a string.
You can use StrPtr to detemine if the use has pressed cancel or entered a blank value
Dim uiResponse As String

uiResponse = InputBox("Input a number")

If StrPtr(uiResponse) = 0 Then
    MsgBox "user canceled"
    If uiResponse = vbNullString Then
        MsgBox "user entered blank"
        MsgBox "user entered " & uiResponse
    End If
End If
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The InputBox (as opposed to Application.InputBox) always returns a string.
You can use StrPtr to detemine if the use has pressed cancel or entered a blank value
Dim uiResponse As String

uiResponse = InputBox("Input a number")

If StrPtr(uiResponse) = 0 Then
    MsgBox "user canceled"
    If uiResponse = vbNullString Then
        MsgBox "user entered blank"
        MsgBox "user entered " & uiResponse
    End If
End If
This is basically the same code that Mike posted, but it is structured slightly differently...
Dim Answer As String

Answer = InputBox("Tell me something")

If StrPtr(Answer) = 0 Then
  MsgBox "The user clicked Cancel, so we will exit the subroutine now."
  Exit Sub
ElseIf Len(Answer) = 0 Then
  MsgBox "The user clicked OK without entering anything in the InputBox!"
  MsgBox "The user entered the following..." & vbLf & vbLf & Answer
End If
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