How to avoid GUI mangling formula with less-than symbol?


Banned user
Mar 2, 2014
Office Version
  1. 2010
  1. Windows
I can enter the following formula just fine:


But when I try to enter it as follows ("lt" stands for the less-than symbol):

=STDEV(IF(E4 lt A1:A40000,IF(A1:A40000<=E3,C1:C40000)))

the GUI mangles the formula, truncating it to "=STDEV(IF(E4".

That happens even when the formula is wrapped with CODE tags.

How can I type the less-than symbol in that context without the line being mangled?

I tried put spaces around the less-than symbol, to no avail.
=stdev(if(e4 < a1:a40000,if(a1:a40000<=e3,c1:c40000)))

if you put spaces around it, it will appear properly
=stdev(if(e4 < a1:a40000,if(a1:a40000<=e3,c1:c40000)))

if you put spaces around it, it will appear properly

I wrote: "I tried put[ting] spaces around the less-than symbol, to no avail".

Odd that it's working now -- even without the surrounding spaces (!). :confused:

Some differences:
- You entered lowercase; I entered uppercase.
- I entered the faulty text in the Advanced view, not the original Reply With Quote view.
- Sometimes the error was not visible until I did Preview Post.
- I am using Firefox 19. Don't know what browser and revision you use.
- [EDIT] I was using the GUI in the Excel Questions forum. This is a different forum. Different editor behavior?

Doing all of the following in the Advanced view, Preview Post after each one....

Copy-and-paste your text:
=stdev(if(e4 < a1:a40000,if(a1:a40000<=e3,c1:c40000)))

Copy-and-paste your text, change to uppercase:
=STDEV(IF(E4 < A1:A40000,IF(A1:A40000<=E3,C1:C40000)))

Copy-and-paste line above, remove spaces:

Enter text from scratch without spaces:

Copy-and-paste line above (also did not work before):

All looks good before Submit. [EDIT] All still looks good after Submit.
Last edited:
Yes, I saw that you said it didn't work with the spaces.. but since I know it does, I figured if I showed it working, you might try again.

I am using FireFox 32.0.2
I have used both the Quick Reply and Advanced editor.
Interesting that the case changed since i copy/pasted your text and just changed the red text to the < symbol.
HTML code is off in this particular forum. If you look at the very bottom of the page, you will see HTML code is off.
It is on in only some forums. It is on in the Test Forum and you can test there - I have added a new post where you can see the symbol does work with spaces around it (I copy/pasted the version you copy/pasted).
(Tracy, I saw - and replied to - your thread in the Test Here forum before I saw this thread, so I'll repeat here, & add a bit more..)

1. It is only the lack of a space after the < sign that is a problem.
eg This works fine without space before
=STDEV(IF(E4< A1:A40000,IF(A1:A40000<=E3,C1:C40000)))

2. The lack of a space is only a problem at all if the < is immediately followed by a letter.
eg These work fine without spaces

3. If you really wanted your formula to appear with a letter immediately after the < sign, then in your post, replace the offending < sign with <
You can't test that in this forum, but try it in the Test Here forum.

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