I Have this form the has product info, in the subform I am pulling info for Qty Ordered and qty receved against the PO# , the problem I have is I want to have the subtotal of qty received shown in the main form.
that is if the subform has 3 receivers for example 100,50, and 60 , then the main form displays the total of that which is 210.
the formula I have in the footer of the subform called po Subform
The text box captioned as Receipts
and control source is sum([qty shipped])
The main form is called po
the formula I have there is :
Name: PO receipt
Control Source is:=[po subfrom].[from]![poSubtotal]
and I het error
Any help greatly appreciated , and thank you all in advance.
that is if the subform has 3 receivers for example 100,50, and 60 , then the main form displays the total of that which is 210.
the formula I have in the footer of the subform called po Subform
The text box captioned as Receipts
and control source is sum([qty shipped])
The main form is called po
the formula I have there is :
Name: PO receipt
Control Source is:=[po subfrom].[from]![poSubtotal]
and I het error
Any help greatly appreciated , and thank you all in advance.