How to format a $ sign into a blank cell?


New Member
Aug 29, 2002
I know this may be a really simple question, but here goes. I want to insert a $ sign in a range of cells that are blank (""). I know how to do this from a zero value with out the zero displaying, but can not figure out the blank?


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Highlight your range of cells. Go to "edit" then "replace" leave the "find" line empty and in the replace line insert $, select replace all.
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I guess I did not do a good job wording my question. These cells have formulas in them. If the result of a formula is >0, it returns a $00.00, and <0 a red $00.00. I want to display the $ in all cells until data is entered.
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Certainly, someone can tackle this simple question? Or is it just not possible to format the cells (with a formula) that are blank with a dollar $?
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On 2002-08-30 11:01, lenze wrote:
What is your Formula?

If we knew your formula, we could probably provide a better answer.


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I was thinking there was a feature or command in the Format Cells under the custom category. However, the formula I have in the cell is:

Thanks for your help!
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