First-time user to this site so I apologise if I appear to be a little clumsy.
I am using Excel 2010 and trying out some macros.
How do I make a macro containing a relative cell rather then a specific cell.
ie: When recording a macro, I wanted the macro to move to the start of the row but got the following code: Range("I32").Select because I was in "I32" when registring the macro. I wanted the macro to go to A32 if I was in row 32 or A33 if I am in row 33 etc...
Looking forward to hearing from one of you.
Best regards
First-time user to this site so I apologise if I appear to be a little clumsy.

I am using Excel 2010 and trying out some macros.
How do I make a macro containing a relative cell rather then a specific cell.
ie: When recording a macro, I wanted the macro to move to the start of the row but got the following code: Range("I32").Select because I was in "I32" when registring the macro. I wanted the macro to go to A32 if I was in row 32 or A33 if I am in row 33 etc...
Looking forward to hearing from one of you.
Best regards