Hi There,
Can somebody help for a VBA code for combobox and textbox as reference for application.match?
This is the code I have for extracting the data from the worksheet to userform
where shptUpdate is a combobox looking for the partnumber from range ("G:G") and BLNo is a textbox extracting the serial number for the partnumber. Now, I have other sheet where I will have to update basing on the shptUpdate (combobox) and BLNo (textbox) data. The VBA code is the code that was provided to me here a year ago. The red ones is my addition that don't work.
The reason why I need to have two reference is because I have duplicate partnumbers but different serial numbers. I tried using the partnumber as my only reference but when there is a duplicate partnumber down the column, the one that gets updated is always the first on the list. I really need help here as I am almost done except for this. Thanks again for all of your help/assistance
Can somebody help for a VBA code for combobox and textbox as reference for application.match?
This is the code I have for extracting the data from the worksheet to userform
Dim prodfound As Range
With Worksheets("BPME").Range("G:G")
Set prodfound = .Find(shptUpdate.Value)
If prodfound Is Nothing Then
shptUpdate.Value = ""
Exit Sub
With Range(prodfound.Address)
frmUpdate.ductName.Text = .Offset(0, -3)
frmUpdate.BLNo.Text = .Offset(0, 1)
frmUpdate.sPlier.Text = .Offset(0, 3)
frmUpdate.voiNum.Text = .Offset(0, 5)
frmUpdate.qTy.Text = .Offset(0, 6)
dateshptRec.Text = .Offset(0, 14)
Mritr.Text = .Offset(0, 16)
End With
End If
End With
where shptUpdate is a combobox looking for the partnumber from range ("G:G") and BLNo is a textbox extracting the serial number for the partnumber. Now, I have other sheet where I will have to update basing on the shptUpdate (combobox) and BLNo (textbox) data. The VBA code is the code that was provided to me here a year ago. The red ones is my addition that don't work.
Dim BpRow As Long
Dim bpPart As Long
Dim Bps As Worksheet
Set Bps = Worksheets("BPME")
With Us
r = Application.Match([COLOR=red]shptUpdate.Value & BlNo.value[/COLOR], .Range("G:G"), False)
.Cells(r, 21).Value = shptRec.Value
.Cells(r, 22).Value = jdePo.Value
.Cells(r, 23).Value = ovNum.Value
.Cells(r, 25).Value = recQty.Value
.Cells(r, 26).Value = lNum.Value
'.Cells(r, 26).Value = .Cells(r, 14).Value + Val(TextBox14.Value)
'.Cells(r, 27).Value = .Cells(r, 15).Value + Val(TextBox15.Value)
'.Cells(r, 28).Value = .Cells(r, 16).Value + Val(TextBox16.Value)
.Cells(r, 32).Value = reMrks.Value
shptRec.Value = ""
jdePo.Value = ""
ovNum.Value = ""
recQty.Value = ""
lNum.Value = ""
reMrks.Value = ""
'TextBox16.Value = ""
'TextBox9.Value = ""
End With
The reason why I need to have two reference is because I have duplicate partnumbers but different serial numbers. I tried using the partnumber as my only reference but when there is a duplicate partnumber down the column, the one that gets updated is always the first on the list. I really need help here as I am almost done except for this. Thanks again for all of your help/assistance