hi i have a spread sheet column B updates every time a new employee starts the company by counting the names on another sheet
i then have 12 columns with the months of the year with the following =IF(MONTH($A$1)=1,$B$4,"") to copy the head count from b to that cell
A1 has todays date in it
the problem is how do i keep the values once the month changes so when the month changes form jan to feb column with january reatains it head count all i really want to do is keep a monthly head count using the information in row b
thank you in advance for your help
i then have 12 columns with the months of the year with the following =IF(MONTH($A$1)=1,$B$4,"") to copy the head count from b to that cell
A1 has todays date in it
the problem is how do i keep the values once the month changes so when the month changes form jan to feb column with january reatains it head count all i really want to do is keep a monthly head count using the information in row b
thank you in advance for your help