Currently the value returned if there is no data in AW to calculate is #DIV/0!.
How would I add to this formula the criteria that if there are no values to average, return value "n/a"?
=AVERAGE(IF($K$3:$K$5000=1,IF($C$3:$C$5000="CAP - Backhaul",IF(TEXT($AG$3:$AG$5000,"mmmyyyy")=TEXT(NOW()-DAY(NOW()),"mmmyyyy"),IF($AW$3:$AW$5000="Under",1,IF($AW$3:$AW$5000="Over",0))))))
How would I add to this formula the criteria that if there are no values to average, return value "n/a"?
=AVERAGE(IF($K$3:$K$5000=1,IF($C$3:$C$5000="CAP - Backhaul",IF(TEXT($AG$3:$AG$5000,"mmmyyyy")=TEXT(NOW()-DAY(NOW()),"mmmyyyy"),IF($AW$3:$AW$5000="Under",1,IF($AW$3:$AW$5000="Over",0))))))
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