This example creates a hyperlink to
To: cell C10
On: the sheet named MySheet
In: the file located at C:\MyFolder\MyFile.xls
A1: Click Me
B1: (the complete path to the C:\MyFolder\MyFile.xls)
C1: (the location in that file to link MySheet!C10)
This formula creates the hyperlink
D1: HYPERLINK(B1&"#"&C1,A1)
Note the hash mark (#) between the file path and the sheet name
Alternatively, you could use the Excel Main Menu
for all versions of Excel:
• Insert.Hyperlink
...Click: Existing File or Web Page
...Enter: Text to display, etc)
...Navigate to the file
To link to a specific sheet and cell
...Append a hash mark (#) and sheet and cell reference to the file name
Example: MyFile.xls#MySheet!C10
• Click [Finish]
When done: Just enter the text to be displayed in the hyperlink cell
Does that help?