I have this Formula:
=IF(AND(Sheet1!A48="Steve Jones",Sheet1!A47<=11/31/2005),Sheet1!B48,"It Works")
I want it to add a value to each Month's Column. Example:
Nov Dec Jan
12 22 16
The value comes from "Sheet1!B48". I'm able to get the value in the column, but I want it to add it to the appropriate month column, WITHOUT changing the previous month.
So I placed the <, >, in front of the Month, but can't seem to get it to change as the month's change.
=IF(AND(Sheet1!A48="Steve Jones",Sheet1!A47<=11/31/2005),Sheet1!B48,"It Works")
I want it to add a value to each Month's Column. Example:
Nov Dec Jan
12 22 16
The value comes from "Sheet1!B48". I'm able to get the value in the column, but I want it to add it to the appropriate month column, WITHOUT changing the previous month.
So I placed the <, >, in front of the Month, but can't seem to get it to change as the month's change.