If statement ignoreing some cells

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Legacy 93538


I have written a macro which loops through a cell range within a workbook opened by the macro and complete quite a few If statements to gather data and populate a new workbook created by the macro.

However i need the macro to ignore any cell value within column E of the corresponding row that starts with Total or Sub. I ahve programmed it in and works for soem of them but not all of them.

Rich (BB code):
Option Explicit
Dim stFormatStyle, stResult As String
Dim iStart, iEnd, iDigitsAfterDecimalPoint, iDecimals As Integer
Dim bIsPercentage As Boolean
Sub PPiiiCalcs()
Dim ConvertVN, ManualVN, ManualImportVN As String
Dim strFldr As String
Dim PPCWB, PPFWB As Workbook
Dim PPCWBSht As Worksheet
Dim SConvertVN, SManualVN As Integer
Dim ColN, NRow As Long
Dim cell As Range

'Version number of Input Reference Form to be convert
ConvertVN = Application.InputBox("Please enter the version number of the Input Reference Form to be convert", "Convert Version Entry Box", SConvertVN)
'Is previously manually entered data to be imported
ManualVN = MsgBox("Would you like previously entered data to be imported", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Manual Version question box")
    If ManualVN = vbYes Then
        ' If yes to ManualVN then what version number to import from
        ManualImportVN = Application.InputBox("Please enter the version number of Input Reference Table the data is to be imported from", "Manual Version Entry Box", SManualVN)
    End If

'Set variables
strFldr = "R:\HondaCarsEurope\Markets\Germany\PPIII\Tables"
Set PPCWB = Application.Workbooks.Add
PPCWB.Sheets.Add.Name = "CalcAPD"
Set PPCWBSht = PPCWB.Sheets("CalcAPD")
Set PPFWB = Application.Workbooks.Open(strFldr & "/" & "HDE_PPIII_MONTH_Input_Reference_form_V" & ConvertVN & ".xlsx")

'Add column titles to new workbook
ColN = 1
PPCWBSht.Cells(ColN, 1).Resize(, 8).Value = Array("CalcID", "CalcDescription", "Calcname", "Calculations", _
"Department", "Category", "NumFormat", "ChartOrder")

'Loop through the form cells and populate the calculations table
NRow = 2
Application.StatusBar = "Loop through calcs Form and populate calculations table"
For Each cell In PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("F4:T263")
    If cell.Value <> "" Then
        If cell.Interior.Color = RGB(217, 217, 217) Then
            If Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "Total" Then
                PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = "True"
            ElseIf Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "Sub" Then
                PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = "True"
            If PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & "1").Value = "KPI" Then
                PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = cell.Offset(, -1) & "*" & cell.Offset(-1, -1)
            ElseIf PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & "1").Value = "12  Mths" Then
                If Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "*Sales Per Unit" Then
                    PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row + 2).Value & " * " & PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row + 1).Value
                ElseIf Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "*Gross Per Unit" Then
                    PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row + 2).Value & " * " & PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row + 1).Value
                ElseIf Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "Gap" & "*Gross PerUnit" Then
                    PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row + 1).Value & " * " & PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 1).Value
                ElseIf Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "Paint" & "*Gross Per Unit" Then
                    PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row + 1).Value & " * " & PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 1).Value
                ElseIf Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "*Gross %" Then
                    PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 1).Value & " / " & PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 2).Value
                ElseIf Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "*% Sales" Then
                    PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 1).Value & " / " & PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 2).Value
                Else: PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = "Sum " & "F" & cell.Row & ":" & "R" & cell.Row
                End If
            End If
            If Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "*Gross %" Then
                PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 1).Value & " / " & PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 2).Value
            ElseIf Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "*% Sales" Then
                PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 1).Value & " / " & PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 2).Value
            ElseIf Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "*Turnover" Then
                PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 3).Value & " * " & PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 1).Value
            ElseIf Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "*Gross" Then
                If Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "*Motorcycles Gross" Then
                    PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 4).Value & " * " & PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 2).Value
                ElseIf Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "Gap " & "*Gross" Then
                    PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 1).Value & " * " & PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 2).Value
                ElseIf Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "Paint " & "*Gross" Then
                    PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 1).Value & " * " & PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 2).Value
                Else: PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 4).Value & " * " & PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 2).Value
                End If
            ElseIf Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "*Sales" Then
                If Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "*Motorcycles Sales" Then
                    PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 3).Value & " * " & PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 2).Value
                Else: PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 3).Value & " * " & PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range(Mid("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", cell.Column, 1) & cell.Row - 2).Value
                End If
            End If
            End If
        PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 1).Value = Mid(cell.Value, 4, Len(cell.Value) - 4)
        PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 2).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Value
        PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 3).Value = cell.Value
        PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 5).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("A" & cell.Row)
        PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 6).Value = PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("B" & cell.Row)
        PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 7).Value = iDecimal(cell)
        NRow = NRow + 1
        Application.StatusBar = cell.Address
        End If
End If
Next cell
MsgBox "Macro Finished"
End Sub
'Function to determine the Number format
Function iDecimal(Target As Range) As String
    'Resets the iDigitsAfterDecimalPoint variable to 0
    iDigitsAfterDecimalPoint = 0
    'Gets the formatting style for the cell
    stFormatStyle = Target.NumberFormat
    'If the format style is "general", return the default string and exit the function
    If stFormatStyle = "General" Then
        iDecimal = "%10.0f%"
        Exit Function
    End If
    'If the format style is "comma", find the number of digits after decimal and return the string
    If InStr(stFormatStyle, "#,##") Then
        'find the period
        iStart = InStr(stFormatStyle, ".")
        'find the ending 0
        iEnd = InStr(iStart, stFormatStyle, "_")
        'subtract the two to get the number of digits after the period
        iDigitsAfterDecimalPoint = iEnd - iStart - 1
        'return the string
        iDecimal = "%10." & iDigitsAfterDecimalPoint & "f%"
        'exit the function
        Exit Function
    End If
    'If the last character of the NumberFormat string is  a percentage sign, then sets a Boolean to true
    If Right(stFormatStyle, 1) = "%" Then
         bIsPercentage = True
         bIsPercentage = False
    End If
    'find the decimal point position:
    iStart = InStr(stFormatStyle, ".")
    'If the decimal point is 0
    If iStart = 0 Then
        iDigitsAfterDecimalPoint = 0
        iDigitsAfterDecimalPoint = Len(stFormatStyle) - iStart
    End If
    'If it's a percentage format with digits after period, subtract one to account for the "%" sign
    If bIsPercentage And iStart > 0 Then
        If bIsPercentage Then iDigitsAfterDecimalPoint = iDigitsAfterDecimalPoint - 1
    End If
    'Creating the string to be placed into the cell
    stResult = "%10." & iDigitsAfterDecimalPoint & "f%"
    If bIsPercentage Then stResult = stResult & "%"
    'return the string
    iDecimal = stResult
End Function

Does anyone know why the code i highligthed red above is only working on some of the cell values that start with Total or Sub?



Excel Facts

Excel Joke
Why can't spreadsheets drive cars? They crash too often!

Rich (BB code):
If Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "Total*" Then
                PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = "True"
            ElseIf Trim(PPFWB.Sheets("IRFORM").Range("E" & cell.Row).Text) Like "Sub*" Then
                PPCWBSht.Cells(NRow, 4).Value = "True"
Upvote 0
Cool That works!!

Didn't think you needed to use wildcard character when using like
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