Sub CreateWorkbooks()
Dim Source As Workbook 'The excel file with all the tabs to be exported
Set Source = ActiveWorkbook 'sets the source to the excel file that is active
Dim Sheet As Object 'the tab/sheet to be exported
Dim strSavePath As String 'the directory where the tab should be exported to
Dim Destination As Workbook 'The excel file that results when export of tab is complete
Dim exportfolder As String
exportfolder = Sheets("Config & directions").Range("C26")
Dim iYearFolder As Integer 'Initial year value (guess)
Dim iMonthFolder As Integer 'Initial month value (guess)
Dim fYearFolder As Variant 'Final year value (set by user)
Dim fMonthFolder As Variant 'Final month value (set by user)
iYearFolder = 0 'initialize to zero
iMonthFolder = 0 'initialize to zero
'Begin date finding
'The below code will find the dates to be set as default values in the input boxes. These are guesses to making things easier for the user
Dim SlashFound As Range
Dim FirstSlashFound As String
Set SlashFound = Cells.Find("/", , xlFormulas, xlPart) 'look for a /
If Not SlashFound Is Nothing Then 'if a / is found then
If Not IsDate(SlashFound) Then 'test if its a date, if its not then
FirstSlashFound = SlashFound.Address 'set FirstSlashFound = to the address of the first / found
Set SlashFound = Cells.FindNext(SlashFound) 'go to the next / value
Loop Until IsDate(SlashFound) Or SlashFound.Address = FirstSlashFound 'keep doing it until the / value is a date or you get back to the original / found (means you looked everywhere)
End If
End If
If IsDate(SlashFound) Then 'now that we've looked everywhere, if we got a date we can assign values
iYearFolder = Year(SlashFound)
iMonthFolder = Month(SlashFound)
MsgBox "No date found on worksheet" 'otherwise we say we couldn't find a date
End If
'End date finding
Dim ymessage, ytitle As String
Dim mmessage, mtitle As String
ymessage = "Enter the Year for the data (Enter to accept)"
mmessage = "Enter the Month for the data (Enter to accept)"
ytitle = "Year Input Box"
mtitle = "Month Input Box"
fYearFolder = InputBox(ymessage, ytitle, iYearFolder)
fMonthFolder = InputBox(mmessage, mtitle, iMonthFolder)
For Each Sheet In Source.Sheets 'says for every sheet in the Source, do this
If Sheet.Name <> "Config & directions" And Sheet.Name <> "PipelineList" Then
With Sheet
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Rows(2)) > 0 Then
If Len(Dir(exportfolder & Sheet.Name, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir exportfolder & Sheet.Name
MkDir exportfolder & Sheet.Name & "\" & fYearFolder
MkDir exportfolder & Sheet.Name & "\" & fYearFolder & "\" & fMonthFolder
If Len(Dir(exportfolder & Sheet.Name & "\" & fYearFolder, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir exportfolder & Sheet.Name & "\" & fYearFolder
MkDir exportfolder & Sheet.Name & "\" & fYearFolder & "\" & fMonthFolder
If Len(Dir(exportfolder & Sheet.Name & "\" & fYearFolder & "\" & fMonthFolder, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir exportfolder & Sheet.Name & "\" & fYearFolder & "\" & fMonthFolder
End If
End If
End If
strSavePath = exportfolder & Sheet.Name & "\" & fYearFolder & "\" & fMonthFolder & "\"
Set Destination = ActiveWorkbook
Dim dtMin As Date
Dim dtMax As Date
Dim DayMin As Integer
Dim DayMax As Integer
'How to add a pipeline:
'(1) Add it to the below list
'Begin list of all pipelines in excel sheet
If Sheet.Name = "Central Hudson" _
Or Sheet.Name = "Elizabethtown" _
Or Sheet.Name = "National Grid" _
Or Sheet.Name = "NationalGridLI" _
Or Sheet.Name = "NationalGridNY" _
Or Sheet.Name = "NFGD" _
Or Sheet.Name = "NJNG" _
Or Sheet.Name = "ORU" _
Or Sheet.Name = "Piedmont Natural Gas" _
Or Sheet.Name = "PSEG" _
Or Sheet.Name = "SJG" _
Or Sheet.Name = "CFG" _
Or Sheet.Name = "AGLC" _
Or Sheet.Name = "ConEd" _
Or Sheet.Name = "Gulf South" _
Or Sheet.Name = "Henry Hub" _
Or Sheet.Name = "NFGS" _
Or Sheet.Name = "Niagara" _
Or Sheet.Name = "Transco" _
Or Sheet.Name = "Tennessee" _
Or Sheet.Name = "FCG" _
'End list of all pipelines in excel sheet
'(2) If date is in column A, add it to the below list, if in column B, add it to the column B list.
'Date is in column A
If IsNumeric(Application.Match(Sheet.Name, Sheets("PipelineList").Columns("A"), 0)) Then
Selection.NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
dtMin = WorksheetFunction.Min(Columns("A:A"))
dtMax = WorksheetFunction.Max(Columns("A:A"))
DayMin = Day(dtMin)
DayMax = Day(dtMax)
End If
'Date is in column B
If Sheet.Name = "ConEd" _
Or Sheet.Name = "Gulf South" _
Or Sheet.Name = "Henry Hub" _
Or Sheet.Name = "NFGS" _
Or Sheet.Name = "Niagara" _
Or Sheet.Name = "Transco" _
Selection.NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
dtMin = WorksheetFunction.Min(Columns("B:B"))
dtMax = WorksheetFunction.Max(Columns("B:B"))
DayMin = Day(dtMin)
DayMax = Day(dtMax)
End If
If Sheet.Name = "Tennessee" Then
Selection.NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
dtMin = WorksheetFunction.Min(Columns("E:E"))
dtMax = WorksheetFunction.Max(Columns("E:E"))
DayMin = Day(dtMin)
DayMax = Day(dtMax)
End If
DayMin = 0
DayMax = 0
End If
Dim filename As Variant
Dim fmessage, ftitle As String
Dim ifilename As String
ifilename = "Days " & DayMin & "-" & DayMax & " (" & Sheet.Name & ")"
fmessage = "Enter the Filename"
ftitle = "File Name Prompt for " & Sheet.Name
filename = InputBox(fmessage, ftitle, ifilename)
Destination.SaveAs strSavePath & filename
End If
End With
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub